My Routine

Critique my workout please.

Age: 20
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 180
Goal: Gain overall strength and bulk

I have been doing a 5x5 3 day total body workout for the past 6 weeks, and I feel like I should change up my rep range, so all my workouts are going to be 3x8 at the same weight.

Day A:
Bent over rows
Dumbell shoulder press

Day B:
Incline Dumbell press
Barbell lunges

I plan on doing:
Monday - Day A
Tuesday - Day B
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Day A
Friday - Day B
Saturday and Sunday - Off

Should I vary my exercises a bit? Let me know what you guys think.

i mayy be an idiot. but you said 3 day full body routine. isnt this a 4 day full body routine/? id vary your exersizes more. many people cant squat and deadlift in the same week and your doing them both twice a week.
id vary your rep scheme through the week too

I was doing a 3 day workout but I want to switch to 4 days a week. Also, I am under the impression that doing full body workouts is better than targeting a specific body part for each day, and that’s what I’m trying to go for with this workout. If this isnt true, let me know. Otherwise, should I just switch out of the squats and deadlifts for a similar exercise?

Full body vs Split

… if you haven’t read already

There’s obvious benefits to either or