Finally did my first meet on July 19, and competed with an injury. Was still able to post a 563 squat weighing roughly 185 lbs (didnt bother cutting to 181 since I was going light). Next goal is to hit a 300kg squat at 181 in January at my next meet.
Since the meet, I’ve worked up to 1 (or more) maximal 5 rep sets. I’ve basically progressed linearly, and the body feels good. I’m back to a point now where I feel like I’m in new territory in terms of strength. Today I hit 2.5x bw for 4 pauses, and will likely be doing this for 10 within a week.
If you have any questions about my experience with daily heavy squatting feel free to ask. I love sharing this information with others (tips, etc.)
Morning bw today was 195.
Also have been doing heavy zerchers daily, to supplement my DL and squat.