I recently started front squatting and have quickly been going up in weights. Now I feel plenty strong in my legs to do the weight but I feel my week spot is hanging onto the bar. Usually on my heavier sets it feels like I am hanging onto the bar with my forearms, preventing it from falling forward, especially when I get into an explosive tempo without pausing at the top.
It also is somewhat discomfortable on my shoulders/neck area. I’m looking to see who’s tried the sting ray and how effective it is. I’m really just looking for comments from people who’ve tried them or tried something like them.
[quote]illgixxer wrote:
I recently started front squatting and have quickly been going up in weights. Now I feel plenty strong in my legs to do the weight but I feel my week spot is hanging onto the bar. Usually on my heavier sets it feels like I am hanging onto the bar with my forearms, preventing it from falling forward, especially when I get into an explosive tempo without pausing at the top.
It also is somewhat discomfortable on my shoulders/neck area. I’m looking to see who’s tried the sting ray and how effective it is. I’m really just looking for comments from people who’ve tried them or tried something like them. [/quote]
Post a vid from behind, to the side (at about a 45 degree angle), and another vid from the side. Most likely your setup sucks. Not saying that to be an asshole, just being honest. Post those vids, and I’ll be able to help.
I bought the sting ray when I first started front squatting. Although it does make it a bit more stable cause you don’t have to worry about the bar rolling forward, you still need to have good form. The weight is still on the front of your shoulders and if your arms sink, it’ll screw up the rep. I actually stopped using it for some time but am planning on starting it up again as I’m going to try to get my front squat weight up.
I’ve tried the “sting ray” one time actually. When I was still in the military, someone brought one into our Team gym so I tried it out. Surprisingly really comfortable and stable feeling but I never tried it out for front squats.
I agree with H4M… Your setup probably sucks. You should hold the bar with a “clean” grip and concentrate on keeping your elbows up. You’re probably feeling like you’re holding onto the bar because you’re leaning forward too much and the bar is trying to roll off the front. A video would be helpful
The Sting Ray is made specifically for front squats. There is a manta ray one for back squats which may have been the one you tried. Also, with the sting ray, I think you are supposed to have your arms crossed. I know clean grip is preferred but my flexibility sucks and I never cared to work on it.
I used the sting ray for a while. I liked it until I started front squatting over 250. At that point I had trouble keeping it in position and just stopped using it. I actually prefer to not use it now, and have no trouble keeping the bar in position. And I agree with H4M. Post a video and people should be able to help.
The Sting Ray is made specifically for front squats. There is a manta ray one for back squats which may have been the one you tried. Also, with the sting ray, I think you are supposed to have your arms crossed. I know clean grip is preferred but my flexibility sucks and I never cared to work on it.[/quote]
I dont squat with any form of cartilaginous fishes…
But yea, if the bar is getting that low, it means your dipping forward. Gotta keep that back arched, the chest up, and your eyes on the ceiling.
If your doing cross handed style front sq then try switching to clean grip. You’ll gain the flexiblity in your wrist fast. I like to do the light front squats with my hands crossed so the bar doesnt hit my chin or fly off my chest, but switch to clean grip as the weights get heavy because I’ll tend to lean forward with the crossed hands.
If your collar bones arnt bruised or at least red after then its not high enough. If your getting choked too much then its too high. I usually think “elbow up” if my posture isnt upright.
The Sting Ray is made specifically for front squats. There is a manta ray one for back squats which may have been the one you tried. Also, with the sting ray, I think you are supposed to have your arms crossed. I know clean grip is preferred but my flexibility sucks and I never cared to work on it.[/quote]
ahhhhhh that makes so much more sense! I was thinking “how in the hell would you front squat with that damn thing” lol
[quote]Cable wrote:
I used the sting ray for a while. I liked it until I started front squatting over 250. At that point I had trouble keeping it in position and just stopped using it. I actually prefer to not use it now, and have no trouble keeping the bar in position. And I agree with H4M. Post a video and people should be able to help.[/quote]
I had the same problem when I started using it with heavier weights. I leveled off in weight and did higher reps.