I just began front squatting and I seem to be having a minor problem. The squat part is fine but my wrists hurt for a couple of minutes after each set. I think my form is okay. Elbows up. I look like the gal in this picture. Notice how cocked her wrists are. Is this normal? Will it get better with time?
I suggest either wearing wrist wraps, or using wrist straps, you tie them around the bar, and hold onto the loose ends, there is a picture somewhere on this site that ill try to find.
here, i couldnt find the one here, but here is one that show hows to hold the bar when front squatting while holding onto the straps.
You look like a chick?
Seriously, keep at it. It will get better. My wrists only hurt for a few seconds now when I let go of the bar and I do not really notice them during my set.
That dude is using a front squat harness.
If it doesn’t get better soon stop doing them. Or you can use the cross arm method. That one kills your shoulders but your wrists will be fine.
I’ve started to use Mike Boyle’s front squat stages.
Try those first.
Otherwise use the straps idea.
I’ve tried the strap idea, but I must be doing it wrong because it didn’t really help at all. I have the same problem with my wrists, I remember reading an article in the past few weeks about that. Its either that you don’t have enough mobility in your wrist or your arms are too big. I’ll look for the article.
[quote]RomeJay wrote:
That dude is using a front squat harness.[/quote]
Yeah, but it comes close to the position of the hands when using straps, it was the best i could do at the time.
get the manta ray - solves all your problems.
yes that’s normal. yes it will get better with time. don’t try to grip the bar/use 3 fingers.
It will hurt at first, but it gets better over time. Took me about 3 weeks before I could do them without some pain, front squatting twice a week plus doing lots of cleans. There are lots of things you can do to help you along the way though.
- Stretch them. A lot. Every day.
- Get some Blue Heat or similar to warm them up as you would your shoulders and elbows.
- Do lots of power cleans and make sure your racking position is good. Poor racking position will make the bar more likely to roll forward and put pressure on your wrists. Squat cleans are even better.
- You don’t need to grab the bar with all your fingers for a front squat. Take your pinky off the bar and see if that helps. If not, try with just 2 fingers on the bar. Eventually you’ll be able to squat with all 4 fingers on the bar.
- Rhomboid work. You’ll find it hard to keep your elbows high if your rhomboids are weak or tire quickly. When your elbows drop the weight shifts forward onto your wrists.
You can use straps.
Keep your Reps Low and your Sets High.
Many issues come from higher reps. I stay under 3 per set.
I recommend warming up with FS before every workout till the flexibility catches up.
Make sure that the bar is totally resting on the delts-your hands just keep the bar from spinning off.
Had the same problem w/front squats. Tore some ligements and couldn’t do much for 8 weeks. Now I got a mandalay front squat device to help me do the squats and no more wrist problems. Good luck!
[quote]ParadigmShifter wrote:
I’ve tried the strap idea, but I must be doing it wrong because it didn’t really help at all. I have the same problem with my wrists, I remember reading an article in the past few weeks about that. Its either that you don’t have enough mobility in your wrist or your arms are too big. I’ll look for the article. [/quote]
U should not b feeling any pain w/ straps;load the bar across shoulders and hold straps w/ neutral grip…like this,u should not feel any pain because the wrists are locked in neutral…DBT
Thanks for all the tips. The straps photo was great. I will give them a try.
Interestingly, I do power cleans all the time and have no wrist problem when I do that lift. But I am gripping the bar as well as resting it on my shoulders at the end of the lift. I cannot use this same grip when I front squat or I fall forward. I have never tried a full atg clean. Not sure what would happen.
I had the same problem when I started front squats because I misunderstood the form and held the weight in my hands. I saw pictures of Draper front squating 3-4 plates on each side, and I knew I had a problem.
I think the proper form is to rest the bar on your deltoids and perhaps the chest, using hands only for balance & support.