Over the last few months l have followed alot of Mike Boyle’s work and hence have started front squatting alot more with my athletes. Some of you may think this is soft, but the level of muscle tension in the lumbar spine has and hips has decreased post training and back pain overall has signitifcantly reduced.
Anyway im interested to find out what you guys consider an ideal front squat weight or what you set as goals for front squat testing with your athletes. ie 1.5 x BW, 2 x BW etc.
Thats a tough one bro I mean big difference in say a 150 lb gymnast or light weight wrestler etc and say a BIG ASS 300lb offensive lineman. %'s fall short a lot in that way
I can say Im sitting at 405 for a double at a bw of 230 and as a strongman competitor feel I have a long way to go