Front of Neck & Upper Chest Development

Im looking for your expertise on developing my front of neck and upper chest. As you can see from the picture, I cannot seem to develop the area. I’ve been training for 5 months, and the rest of my body is showing great improvements. I believe is was targeting the area by doing incline chest press and dumbbell shrug exercises.

The back of my neck and head size are proportional to my body.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

Learn patience.

Overall mass, a good program and time will fix that.

Yeah, I think for the moment you should focus on adding mass overall, and don’t focus too much in those small areas of tour body.
Keep gaining weight (I jipe you are already doing this), don’t forget deadlifts and incline presses, and you should be good to go.
Just don’t overthink those little things

I can’t tell how much mass you have in your upper chest while you’ve got that sweater on.

heavy barbell shrugs and incline bench presses are what helped my trap and upper chest development

Just from that picture I can tell you are built like the Grinch.

You must have really developed toes to hang upside down like that.

Seriously, worry about being able to post a picture the right way up dude, and no offence, but from the little I can see having more muscle in the areas you mentioned…You need more mass and definition period. Forget about specialization at this point.

The best way to build the front of your neck is by giving lots of blowjobs. Have you seen the definition on a pro’s neck? Incredible. To really develop the neck get one of those head harnesses and attach it backwards. Aim for both explosive quick movement and slow movements, really feeling the squeeze. Play around with it, have fun, see how you respond. For added chest growth, lean back a bit and do some overhead static holds with some dumbbells while performing the other excise.

In somewhat related advice, before you make a decision on getting serious with a girl make sure you do a thorough front of neck assessment. Depending on your values & wants it might be a factor.

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What does your incline chest work and overhead press work look like?