[quote]Mike Benfield wrote:
I don’t really have any friends either. I had a few in high school, but they all moved away or we lost touch and I really haven’t spent any real time hanging out since then with anyone but my girlfriend (I’m 26).
I sympathize with some of your plight. You can’t really make statements along the lines of “Everybody else is too stupid for me” without offending everyone, but… a lot of people are really stupid. And I have never for one second understood the appeal of drinking or of parties in general or whatever other stupid things young people do in their spare time.
Thing is… I’m perfectly content this way. I see people during the day. I see my family regularly. I see my girlfriend a lot. I don’t feel lacking in socialization. What would friends do for me that I don’t have now?[/quote]
I’m going to agree with this line of thought. I’m not sure where this guy is from either. Some cities just have a really crappy social atmosphere, so that could be a big part of your problem.
I’d also definitely agree that there are a lot of stupid people out there. (Come on… How can you not agree with that?) I think the big problem with relating to other people who are still in their twenties is that a lot of them still “haven’t found themselves yet”. I think a lot of what we associate as this “shallow and stupid behavior” is really just them being insecure, immature, and still looking to impress everyone else.
I think you’ll find more people at your level when you reach your late twenties or early thirties. So for now I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just keep being you, because I don’t really see anything wrong with the attitudes you have.