[quote] Schlenkatank wrote:
You did exactly what I wanted you to do; you stereotyped every hippie who has ever lived as a bunch of dirty lazy hypocrites. I would very much enjoy reading why you think that’s demonstrably (<–this is how you spell that word) true because all i would have to do is provide a counterexample and immediately prove you wrong.
Again, you’re incredibly angry that the author is telling lies about the tea party. But if what the author’s doing is just stereotyping tea party members based on what he’s seen them do, than he’s no different than you!
But here’s the best part Katzen , you’re too blinded with rage too understand that I agree with you that this is a bad article. Judging whole groups of people because of individuals actions, such as the people who vandalized congressmen’s houses, is totally wrong. But what I proved with the hippie example is that you would write an equally wrong article about hippies if you were given the chance.
If you can’t understand this, YOU are a bonehead.[/quote]
You must be high or something. I’ll say it again: I’m not talking about stereotyping (or profiling, or catagorizing, or whatever) - I’m talking about lying.
L. Y. I. N. G.
That^^ spells “LYING.”
Look it up.
If I were to write an article about hippies, I’m sure I would make generalizations; one cannot write or even think without using them. It’s YOU who keeps bringing that up.
But if I were to write such an article, I would not base such an article on baldfaced lies.
I have already pointed out one of them. I could, if I chose, point out many more.
However - and I am quite serious; and I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m going to have to say it - you obviously are hung up on something. I don’t know if it’s too much ganga, or whatever it is you’re smoking, but you seem unable to escape this hangup.
Am I correct in assuming that you either grew up with hippies? Or maybe even your parents are hippies? You are from Vermont after all.
Anyhoo, whatever it is, pease don’t burden me with it.
Fair enough?
Anything else you’d like to discuss?