That was the problem, huh, Jason? Those pesky “Negroes” ruining the Egyptians? By the way please do not use a term which means “object” in Spanish to refer to a black person. Unless you would like to be referred to as a “cracker” or a “devil”. What do you base your ideas of black skinned people ruining the Egyptian empire on? The fact that the Kush/Nubian people had control over Egypt after the New Kingdom? It’s true that these people were black as the ace of spades, but earlier pharoahs were Black as well. All you have to do is look at the art. Besides, until people like you started making a big deal about it, there is no reference to the Egyptians classifying people by skin color. They did not have Jim Crow laws. This is a shallow revisionist attempt on your part to downplay black achievements. Why don’t you stick to arguing the greatness of the Roman empire or the KKK, instead of trying to make up lies about Egypt, which it is apparent that you know almost nothing about.