
Laughs about this whole mess. Jason, why is it that us white Males are superior? Let me see…a t-mag article showed that blacks are genetically beter athletes. It is proven that women have a higher tolerance for pain then men, and some of the most barbaric acts have been performed by the Catholic church. (Remember the Crusades, or even better…the Inquisition?) Therefore I am trying to figure out exactly how a white male Catholic figures he has the rights of superioirty over other people. Understand this is coming from a blonde haired blue eyed guy with 100% German heritage, who could be the poster boy for an Aryan Nation poster. I will admit that I believe there are niggers out there (it is called low class people of color, but there are just as many poor white trash. I also have no doubt if you asked a black if there were people he or she would consider a disgrace to his or her race…there would be quite a few. The same for women in reguards to women they feel are a disgrace to all women. After reading your posts bro, I gotta say…you make me ashamed to be a white male almost. Tell me Jason…on a mass average, where are white males superior? Is it intelligence? NOPE. What about athletics? NOPE Compassion? NOPE. Help me out here Jason…how is it that we get the right to control and dominate? What is our superiority??