Jeremy Nelms: “In another thread, somebody had the nerve to suggest that they do it because they make money for it”. No, all the contributing writers on this web site do what they do (answer questions and write) because they love us all so much as ‘T-brothers and sisters’, and are willing to give up their free time to write for T-mag and help out ‘fellow lifters’. In fact, Tim Patterson just sent me a check for $10,000 just because he cares about his fellow ‘T-man’ and his financial difficulties. Come on…I wasn’t saying that their willingness to answer questions wasn’t appreciated or wasn’t admirable, but the reality is that this web site is a business. If you don’t believe me, go and work on starting your own website, hire people to maintain it, give up your time to continually answer complex questions, and do it all for free! Don’t sell anything to make a profit! Look, they provide this Forum because it attracts people who are interested in lifting weights, and perhaps are interested in enhancing their performance/results with nutritional supplements. You left out the context in which that thread was started, and why I wrote what I did! Unfair. In their own words, “We don’t care if you’re brand new to the muscle-building world, or if you’re a seasoned veteran of the iron game, this forum’s for you. And we want to encourage everyone to participate. To do that, we need to be able to guarantee that no one will get hammered over what they post.” That’s why I responded to that post the way I did, and wrote what I did. Go back and read it in context…Peace.