I first nominate the T-mag crew…they seem to have eternal patience when it comes to responing to “I have andro and nandro…how should I apply…” “QUESTION FOR BILL…I have some postage stamps that someone claims have been dipped in testosterone…should I eat 10 or 12 or just stick them on my scrotum…oh and by the way…are they real??” I have to admit that these and a lot of newbie questions have me screaming at the screen. There should be a checklist when you post a topic where you have to check off “YES I have used the search engine before writing this” Other good guys are Nate (of course) the T-vixens that have been popping up…it is really nice to have them on board, bodz, Hyock, the ACE certified trainer (Just kidding)and it has been great to have GOD lately. (The T-crew should send him a shirt and leather jacket…I think it would be great to have the tribulation come and have God coming down in a T-man leather jacket… The worst are non searching newbies, Bill Phillips (always pushing that HMB…yes we know, just like Deca) and those sexist posters who give all t-men a bad name!!