Hi guys,
I am a FFB or a former fat boy.
More specifically, this time last year I weighed in at 200 pounds with a 29% bodyfat. After a year of long hard dieting and a fuck load of cardio I managed to get down to a lean 149 with a decent row of 4 pack abs(I was so happy).
After becoming so lean though I came to realize I didn’t enjoy being so skinny and the rapid fat loss had left me with almost no muscle mass to sport.
Now I did enjoy my summer with abs but when winter rolled around I decided I would face my fears and try a bulk diet.
I started the bulk 5 weeks ago and in these 5 weeks my weight jumped from 149 to 168 but im positive that almost all of it is lard.
Totally dis hearted Ive decided to cut down until im leanish again and try for a slower more controlled bulking diet.
By this I mean that my previous bulk was indeed clean, as a FFB i realize I can never again sample pizza or soda so my diet consists mainly of canned tune, canned salmon, oatmeal, whey and lean red meat.
After my failed bulk attempt I now know a few things about my body
I an a endo morph, pure and simple. My metabolism is utter shite and carbs and me don’t get on well together.
While my body fat tests have stayed at 12% I realize after reading Chris Shugarts articles that my fat has mainly accumulated under my abdominals i.e. a hard pregnant belly.
So my T-Nation brothers, as a FFB and a newbie to serious lifting I was wondering if there is any adbice you could offfer to someone like me wanting to atain the body we all want?
Perhaps youve been in the same situation as me and have found some good things that I could try?
Im speaking in terms of diet and workout.
As for my workouts, I was originally doing a 6 days split, one muscle group a day but after reevaluating my body type I have switched to a 4 day split in which I focus much more on core compound lifts i.e. squats, dead lifts, pull ups, dips and benching.
My diet is now going to be a controlled carb cycle with 3 moderate(150 grams-200) carb days and one highish(270 grams) carb day.
Thank you in advance for any advice for this former fatty guys and if you need to know anything more specific just ask:)
Ill include a picture of me at 5 weeks bulking, but I warn you its not pretty.