Former College Athlete Building Strength

What’s up guys? Been reading the articles and logs on T-Nation for a while now, figured I’d start my own log…

I just finished my senior year of college basketball. I’ve been training hard for three years now, and have seen some good results…but I have a long ways to go in terms of my goals. Tentatively, I’d say my main goal is to make the CrossFit Mid-Atlantic Regional in the next two years.

Some stats:
Height: 5’8"
Weight: Anywhere between 163-167
Back Squat: 300x5
Front Squat: 225x3 (sucks, I know)
Bench Press: 230x4
Strict Military Press: 135x5
Deadlift: 355x4; 425x1 (only true 1 rep max I have to date)
Ran a 5:10 mile in October as part of our pre-season testing routine

Currently working a four-day upper lower split with MetCons included at the end of my workouts. I’ll start with today’s training.


Dynamic Stretch
DB 1-arm snatch: 60x5 (each arm), 2x5 at 65
Deadlift: 295x6, 305x6, 315x5
Front Rack reverse lunge: 135x12 (6 on each leg), 155x12, 165x12, 185x10

Treadmill workout: half mile warm-up at 8.0 mph; 30 seconds on, 30 off for 6 “sprints” with two each at 12.5 mph, 13.0, 13.5; 90 second cool down

Like I said, long ways to go. I’d appreciate any tips, suggestions, helpful comments along the way.

Hey bud,

I’ll be following. 27-year-old ex-college-football player here. Not training for CF but as a self-defined “activities guy” I like a bunch of different things (lifting, running, climbing, yoga) so I imagine that we’ll have some tips to exchange :slight_smile:

@ActivitiesGuy Thanks man. Hopefully my training takes me to the kind of activities you mention–I rarely do anything besides lifting and running, which probably isn’t great for me. Again, I’d appreciate any advice.

Today’s work…

Total Body Strength Day W/ Metcon

Dynamic Stretch

Strict Military Press: 115x6, 120x6, 125x6, 130x4
Back Squat: 225x6, 245x6, 265x5, 285x5
Pull-ups: 3x10

2x500m row

5 Rounds
15 KB swings (45#)
15 push-ups

You mention just finishing your senior year of college BB and wanting to qualify for CF regionals (always good to have a goal in mind - although it’s quite a different animal, I was a fairly competitive distance runner for a couple years after college ball ended). I assume that you’re training at your school gym for the time being. You plan on joining a crossfit box after graduating? Any idea what your post-grad plans are? I’ve been lucky in that life has allowed me to keep training and fitness a priority, but that’s not always the case depending on what field you go into and where you move after graduation. Just some food for thought :slight_smile:


Yeah I’m still working out at my school’s gym, which isn’t great, but does provide me with what I need. I’m unsure about joining a Crossfit box, mainly because of cost. I trained at one last summer for a month and the equipment is hard to beat.

My hope is that I continue to make my training a priority, like you said you have. I’ve got two job offers for coaching basketball–from my high school and my college–and I’m still deciding on which one will be the best fit. Regardless, I’ll be in grad school. There’s a lot on my plate for the next year and a half/two years, but I know how important training is to me, and I hope it stays that way.

Took a glance at your log and the stuff you’ve said about yoga interests me. I’ve done yoga before–never more than once a week, but I realize how helpful it is. Truth is, I’m bad at it, which is probably why I haven’t done it in about 18 months now.

Today’s Work

Upper Body Strength Day

Dynamic Stretch w/ emphasis on shoulder mobility

Bench Press: 4x5 at 205
Pull-ups: 4x10
DB 1-arm push press: 65x5, 2x5 at 70, 75x5–really like these

Looking to hit a really good MetCon tomorrow.


Lower Body Strength Day

Front Squat: 185x5, 195x5, 2x3 at 205-- I was being an absolute pussy. I’ve hit 205 for 5 easily before. Don’t know what to chalk it up to. I was just being a pussy.

DB RDL: 4x8 w/ pair of 75# DBs
Farmer’s Walk: 3x75 Feet w/ pair of 90# DBs

10 Minute EMOM
Bear complex at 135

4 Rounds
10 box jumps onto 24" box
15 KB swings (45#)
20 alternating overhead KB lunges–10 with KB overhead with right arm, then 10 with left

The 45# kettlebell is the heaviest one I have access to at my school. My strength coach doesn’t really believe in strength.

Not necessarily “being a pussy” when you fall short of a PR. Some days you just don’t have it, or you need to leave a rep or two in the tank. The best athletes in the world don’t PR every single workout; they know when to push and when to back off.

Re: the lack of a kettlebell heavier than 45, you can still get some pretty good work done with the 45. When you graduate and move on to grad school (congrats, BTW, I also navigated the treachery of graduate education) perhaps you can buy your own? I have a single 45 and love it for the convenience. Gym closed? Crappy weather? No problem, I’ll always be able to get a workout. If joining a CF box isn’t practical, hopefully your university gym will handle most of your training needs, and perhaps you can pick up a KB and some equipment of your own on the cheap. I’ve picked up a nice mix of dumbbells and the kettlebell over the years - all from Craigslist. People are always selling old weights.

@ActivitiesGuy Entirely agree about the Kettlebell solution. Love the freedom it allows in workouts, and I love incorporating a KB for conditioning’s sake, as you mention. I just wish I had access to a heavier one. Regardless, doing high reps with a 45# gets the job done.

Thursday 4/17

Shoulder Mobility Work

Strict Military Press: 120x5, 125x5, 130x5, 135x4–left one in the tank
Pull-ups: 4x10
DB Incline Bench Press: 70x8, 2x8 at 75
DB Row: 3x8 at 85
Ring Dips: 4x10

3 rounds
30 seconds battle ropes–double arm slams/waves–whatever you wanna call them
25 push-ups
1 minute rest between rounds

Today followed more of a bodybuilding style rep scheme after I got done with the presses. Doesn’t hurt to do so every once in a while. Really looking to get after a heavy lower body day tomorrow–back squats, clean pulls, front rack reverse lunges (maybe my favorite exercise) on tap.

Friday 4/18

Lower body strength day

Back squat: 225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x5
Clean pull: 3x5 at 185
Front rack reverse lunge: 135x10 (5 on each), 165x10, 185x8, 195x8

100 reps with 45# KB
2x20 swings
2x20 high pulls
20 alternating snatches

Front rack reverse lunges…never done them myself but that sounds like a pretty good one. Might incorporate those once my leg is fully healed & leg training is again in the program. Good workouts there, bud.

If you don’t mind my asking, where’d you play your college ball? I was a D3 football player and thus have become a bit of a small-school sports nerd.

@ActivitiesGuy I played at Arcadia University in Glenside, PA–about 20 minutes from center city Philadelphia. I know what you mean about being a small college sports nerd. I know just about everything about D3 basketball on the east coast.

Read on your blog that you played in an ECAC bowl–wish my team had gotten the chance to make the ECAC postseason tourney this year. Where’d you play?

Wait, you’re not only a D3 kid, you’re a Pennsylvania guy? Coincidence is a funny thing sometimes…I grew up in Wyomissing, PA (an hour northwest of Philadelphia) and went to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (graduated 2008, still living in Pittsburgh). We made NCAA’s my junior season and the ECAC game as a senior. I write some stuff for these days. If you want to stay in touch with the D3 bball game, get active on the D3hoops or D3boards site, it’s a fun crew and Pat might be glad to have someone willing to write bits for him (depending on how well your league/region is already covered).

Small world.

@ActivitiesGuy That’s awesome. What was travel like in the UAA? Wanted to go to NYU, but wasn’t nearly good enough to play there–I know the travel promise of the UAA is a huge draw to athletes at this level. I’d like to stay involved in D3, and one of my career goals is to be a head coach at this level…that said, I am going to have a master’s in professional writing in 2 years, so I may take the journalism route and would love to write about the D3 game. People have so many misconceptions about division three sports…

Hit the gym yesterday for another bodybuilding style upper-body day after my first lift. Was at my girlfriend’s house for the weekend–first time being around her family for more than a meal. Great food, great family. A lot of fun.


Upper Body Strength Day

Bench Press: 205x5, 215x3, 225x2, 235x1
DB “2-for-1” Shoulder Press–one press w/ left arm, one w/ right, then press both dumbbells. This round of three counts as one rep: 3x5 at 45
Pull-ups: 3x10
SS: Incline barbell press: 3x8 at 155; DB Row: 3x8 at 80

Deadlifts tomorrow and I couldn’t be more excited. Have a great start to your week everybody!

“What was travel like in the UAA?”

Pretty cool, although it’s a bit different as a football player than basketball player for two reasons. One, only four of the UAA schools have football teams: CMU, WashU, Chicago, and Case Western. Rochester also has a football team, but they play in the Liberty League, presumably because they felt it was a better geographic fit and the league has an automatic bid to the playoffs, which the UAA does not have because so few of the schools have a football team.

Two, football players will travel for one game on Saturday, so our typical schedule for a road game that required a flight was to depart on Friday morning, have a walk-through practice Friday afternoon at the field, play the game on Saturday, stay over on Saturday night (we’re lucky in this regard; not all schools would pay for us to stay in the hotel an extra night, when you consider the cost of 65-70 hotel rooms for the traveling party - players, coaches, trainers, team doctor, SID, AD - plus the meal allowance, that’s probably an extra $10,000 or more on the school), and then fly home on Sunday.

UAA basketball guys would travel for a Friday night game followed by a Sunday afternoon game. I think, although I’m not certain, the typical schedule was for them to fly out Friday morning, play game #1 on Friday night, stay over, travel on Saturday, stay in city #2 on Saturday night, play on Sunday afternoon, come home Sunday night. So it would be a bit more hectic with two roadies in one weekend.

As a football guy, it was still pretty cool. I played games in Chicago (UChi), St. Louis (WashU), Cleveland (Case Western), Colorado (Colorado College, which sadly has since dropped their program; that was a really cool trip, campus was stunning), rural West Virginia (Bethany), upstate New York (Hobart and Rochester), Virginia (Randolph-Macon), Maryland (Johns Hopkins) and a slew of PA schools.

“I’d like to stay involved in D3, and one of my career goals is to be a head coach at this level…”

Hey, that’s awesome man. It can be a tough road but if that’s the goal, go for it. You know how it goes: you’ll start off as a GA and just have to work your way up from there. If that’s what you love, it won’t seem like “work” - for me, as much as I loved the game, I was ready to walk away and be “just a guy” for once.

“I am going to have a master’s in professional writing in 2 years, so I may take the journalism route and would love to write about the D3 game.”

Congrats on starting your Master’s degree. Good luck!

“People have so many misconceptions about division three sports…”

LOL. Preaching to the choir here, my man. I think more people “get it” than you might expect, but there are a fair amount of people that say things like “I didn’t even know CMU had a football team!” or that think we were some kind of club team. It’s funny to explain “Yeah, we’re like, a real team with uniforms and everything! We have coaches, and practices, and we play games…”

Hypothetical Question: Would you guys beat a good high school team?

Short Answer: Yes. By about 50.

Long Answer: My college team had about 110 guys on it at any given time. Of those, 105 started for their high school teams, probably 90 were multi-year starters and/or all-conference players, probably 40 received some sort of all-state recognition, and at least a dozen were borderline Division I players that either got injured and lost their offers or chose “playing time and sanity in Division III over four years of scout-team beatings at a MAC school.” Every kid that started - every single kid - was one of the 2-3 best players on their high school team. Now, we’re all 1-4 years older than we were in high school, and we are all bigger, stronger, and faster, plus we have gotten better at the game by competing against other bigger, stronger, and faster guys. Do I think we would beat a high school team? Yes. We would obliterate a high school team.

It’s like the idiots who think Alabama’s football team would beat the Jaguars, or that a D1 basketball team would have beaten the Sixers this year. I always want to say “Maybe a third of that college team will play in the NFL/NBA. Now, think about this. EVERY SINGLE GUY on that NFL/NBA team has made it to the NFL/NBA.”

@ActivitiesGuy All I can say about the travel schedule is “wow.” Though I’ll admit that there is something pretty damn cool about the three-hour bus rides to rural PA to play the likes of Messiah, Elizabethtown, and Lycoming.

I know that the reality of never playing meaningful ball again is going to hit me next October 15th when I’m not running a mile at midnight or waking up at 5:30 to practice. Stuff like that is what I’ll miss the most, and I’m sure that you’ll concur.

Monday 4/21

Lower Body Strength Day

Dynamic Stretch

Deadlift: 315x5, 330x5, 355x3, 370x1–wanted three, got the bar to knee height and couldn’t get to lockout–kind of pissed me off
Overhead lunge: 3x8 at 135
Farmer’s Walk: 3x80 feet with pair of 90# DBs
GHR: 2x12 at bodyweight plus 25#

3 rounds
10 Double KB front squat (two 45# KBs)
10 box jumps (24" box)
10 alternating KB snatches

Tuesday 4/22

Upper Body

Strict Military Press: 135x3, 140x3 Right into
Push Press: 155x3, 160x3, 165x3
DB Incline Chest Press: 70x8, 4x8 with 75s
Pull-ups: 4x10
Ring Dips: 4x10
DB Row: 4x8 with 85

10 minutes alternating
1 minute of alternating KB clean and press with 45# KB
1 minute of plank holds

Sprint Work
Around a half mile of total sprints of varying distances–all in the form of shuttle runs. Distances were 20 yards, 40 yards, 60, 80, 100–three of each.

Wednesday 4/23

Lower Body Strength Day

Back Squat: 225x5, 265x5, 285x3–last set here, for whatever reason they didn’t feel right today
DB RDL: 4x8 with pair of 75#
Front Rack Reverse Lunge: 135x12 (6 each leg), 165x10, 185x8, 200x8

Did some no-hands front squats for shits and gigs, then called it a day.

Thursday 4/24

Upper Body

Dynamic Stretch w/ emphasis on shoulder mobility

Bench Press: 205x5, 215x4, 2x2 at 225, 235x1
DB “2-for-1” Shoulder Press: 3x5 at 45
Pull-ups: 4x10
DB Incline Chest Press: 4x8 with 70s
DB Row: 4x8 (each arm) at 85
KB Swing: 4x15 at 45

Sprint Work

Somewhere between 1,000-1,200 meters of sprinting to varying distances