Last Thurs. I did weight training for primarily hypertrophy and secondarily for muscular endurance. On that day, I only had time to do 3 sets of 24 reps on barbell lunges, 3 sets 12-14 reps of bent-legged barbell good mornings, and 3 sets of 12 reps of pullovers (with a 50 lbs. dumbbell pull up to and not pass my chest. The next day (Friday), I went to my 45-minute martial arts class in the evening. The next afternoon (Saturday), I went to my martial arts class again. The next evening (Sunday), I did 2 sets of 60 crunches before doing a 30-minute run on a treadmill.
The following day (monday) or yesterday, I had a complete day of rest. So far today, I have done no exercise, although I plan to go to my martial class again later today. Nevertheless, I don’t understand why my forearm muscles are taking that long to recover. I mean they are small muscles and experts like Kurz says that small muscles like the forearms muscles should take 24 hours or less to recover. Also on Sunday, I used a foam roll to massage all my muscles and fibrous connective tissues.
My workouts on those above mentioned days felt fine, I have always been eating a healthy, balanced diet with enough protein, I take a multivitamin pill everyday, and I get a good amount of sleep every night. So, why is this happening?