I’ve been following a 6 day push/pull “best damn” template and have been doing 3 sets of wrist rollers every pull day. I would love some guidance on this too!
I’ve never trained calves and probably had only one person train them in my whole career. But I believe that heavy prowler pushing, olympic lifts and any loaded carries can build the calves. The only person I remember having do calves work was Daryl Gee… we would superset standing calf raises with prowler pushing.
I don’t train the neck if someone is only training for aesthetic, as strongmanjoe mentioned, it makes you look narrower. If you are someone with a wide clavicle, sure, but if you are not naturally wide I would not do neck work.
Forearm work is fairly useful and I do it from time to time. That’s the only “muscle” I train with the occlusion method. In fact I did this before occlusion training was a “thing”…an old school bodybuilder worked at the supplement store at the gym I used to have my offices in. He had huge forearms and told me that he always did wrist curls while cutting blood flow to the forearms by wrapping powerlifting wraps around the upper part of his forearms… that was about 10 years ago and he has doing it for 20+ years.
Other that that when I do wrist curls or extensions it is with a very slow tempo and for fairly high reps (15-30). I also do the rolling exercise Thor’s hammer and farmer’s walk.
A jacked neck helps accentuate your jawline and gives overall masculine look. Probably one of the few “wow that guy lifts” features when fully clothed…
I don’t have a big neck and that has never been a problem. You like to ask how physique athletes train… well I know that pretty much no bodybuilder or physique competitor train their neck… but it’s your body you can train it anyway you want.
Not a big fan of training the neck (traps YES). I am a big fan of calves and forearms because that is typically all that people see unless you walk around shirtless all the time. That said, my favorite punk rocker Henry Rollins had a legit neck and it made him look like a badass! http://www.nyrock.com/img/2000/rollins_3.jpg