For you masochists out there

I was tinkering down in my lab yesterday. Ok, I was at my desk at work when I should have been working. Anyway, I “developed” a One Day Leg Cure. If it works like the arm version does, it should add a ton of size to your quads. I haven’t tried the leg version, but I was wondering if anyone wanted me to post it so they could. Let me know

Try it out and if you get decent results then throw it up here.

Hell no, I’m a powerlifter! Besides, it seems like it will hurt. LOL. Actually, I am thinking about it. The Arm version worked very well

Post it, I’ll do it.

Do you really want to add another inch to your already freakish legs??? If you can devise a way to make my legs shrink, without my squat suffering, I’d love to hear about it.

I’d love to see it.

Post it! I’ve been working on one myself (don’t have it quite tweaked yet…). Put yours up, I’ll put mine up, and let’s see if we can’t come up with something to make ourselves really sorry for the following few days after the workout.

Deepsquatter, post it, I need a good leg shocker, I figure we can find enough t-men to be guinea pigs.

I don’t know who this person is but IT AIN’T ME. I was just informed that “I” was posting here.

The REAL Deepsquatter, the one and only, often imitated but never duplicated, SEXIEST man in Powerlifting is training for USA Powerlifting Nationals in July and hasn’t the time nor the inclination to work on at One Day Leg Cure at this time.

Just so ya know…

Just thought I’d mention, glad to see Jason Burnell posting, been a while since I’ve heard from him or vice versa.

And for those who don’t know him, one great thing about the Deepsquatter is that he never has a bad hair day. In fact, he never has a hair day, PERIOD. :wink:

hmmm thats odd when i squat i use my glutes and hamms. Not many powerlifter that squat correctly would benefit from a “quad shocker”
but hey as long as your posing as jason you may as well pose as someone who knows what hey’re talking about.BTW you didnt ever post the workout.

Grant, I was posting as myself, not as Jason. But it was taken that way. Oh well, I don’t wanna steal his name or anything. No big deal.

Calm down boys, let’s just get back on topic. Let’s see what ya got, post it, there’s obviously a some interest out there.

Here’s the program. No promises that it’ll work, but if you wanna be my lab rat give it a try. Sorry it’s so long

      7:30 Breakfast
      • 1 lean steak
      • 2 poached eggs
      • 1 slice of whole grain bread
      • 1 orange
      • 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
      • 3 g of vitamin C
      • 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

      8:30 Neurotransmitter Boost
      • 1 serving of Power Drive

      9:00 Program A
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      9:30 Program B
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      10:00 Program A
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      10:30 Program B
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      10:45 Recovery Snack
      • 1 serving Surge or other MRP, in water

      11:00 Program A
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Medium Stance Squat: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      11:30 Program B
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
      • Rest 90 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

      12:00 Lunch
      • 2 chicken breasts
      • 1 mixed greens salad
      • 1 yam
      • 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
      • 3 g of vitamin C
      • 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

      1:30 Program A
      NOTE: Reps, tempo and exercises change from the morning's                                 training.
      • Leg Press: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Press: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

      2:00 Neurotransmitter Boost
      • 1 serving of Power Drive™

      2:00 Program B*
      NOTE: Reps and tempo change from the morning's training.
      • Leg Extension: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

      2:30 Program A
      • Leg Press: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Press: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

      3:00 Program B
      • Leg Extension: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

      3:15 Mid-Afternoon Snack
      • 1 serving of GROW!™ (or other meal replacement drink)
      • 1 low-glycemic index fruit, like an orange or a pear

      3:30 Program A (High Reps)
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

      4:00 Program B (High Reps)
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

      4:30 Program A (High Reps)
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 75 seconds
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

      5:00 Program B (High Reps)
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 60 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

      5:15 Snack
      • 2 low-glycemic index fruits, like oranges or pears

      5:30 Giant Set (High Reps)
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 120 seconds
      • Leg Press: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Lying Leg Curl: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Leg Extension: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
      • Rest 0 seconds
      • Stiff Leg DL: 15-20 reps on a 201 

      6:00 First Recovery Feeding
           1 Serving Surge in water with 10g creatine

      6:45 Second Recovery Feeding
           2 chicken breasts with rice (enough to get about 75g                               carbs), 3g vitamin C, 800mg PS, 10g creatine, 10g                glutamine

Notes: -Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and cramping -You may want to add a few more carbs to some of the snacks -Notice squats change to leg presses. This was done to ease up on the lower back a bit -Use straps for the stiff leg deadlifts -You may want to hop on a stationary bike a few times during the day to keep blood flowing through your legs -Stretch often during the day

In defense of the idea. You may squat with the glutes and hams as the primary movers but the quads are going to be highly involved as well. Strengthen the weak link and the whole chain gets stronger.