Ok. I’m gonna be 14 in a month. I’m not squatting because I don’t have a rack and I will be able to start squatting Febuary 28th. Thats when I start lifting in the H.S’s gym. I can’t wait. The Equipment i have is dumbells, a barbell, and a bench. I have been playing football 5 years. This year upcomming will be my 6th. My diet is ok. I’m changing it up a lot. I am trying to get ready for the next football season. This is the modifyed version of what i’ll be doing up to febuary 28th.
The lower body is modifyed some…here it is
Jump Squats - 6x4 @ 20 - 30% 1 rep max
Step Ups - 3x15
Sprints - 5x40yards
Calf Raises - 3x20 @ 65% 1 rep max
Jumpsoles Propreception - 2x20 Circles; (Both Directions)
Back & Forth 2x20; (Both Directions)
Sideways 2x20; (Both Directions)
Adjustable Rim Dunking (Optional) - 5x5
Lunges - 3x10 @ Resonable Resistance
Sprints - 1x80yards; 1x60yards; 2x40yards; 2x20yards
GHR’s - 4x8
Bucket Exercise (Shins) - 3x20 @ Resonable Resistance
Leap Ups - 5x12 (Focus on Explosiveness)
Bulgarian Split Squats - 4x6 @ 75 - 80%
Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 4x6 @ 75 - 80%
Sprints - 5x40yards
Calf Raises - 3x20 @ 65% 1 rep max
Adjustable Rim Dunkin’ - 5x5
Somebody is critiqing it for me and I am supposed to get a revised version of it later on today.
As for the core I use a stability ball and the abslide.
Upper Body is where I can use some help. If someone could give me like a guidline to go by it would help.
I will post here what i’ll do in the H.S gym for you guys to critique. Maybe i’ll get the HS coach to give me a program to follow? But I heard most HS coaches know nothing about training.
The positions I played last season were saftey and defensive end. This season I would like to play Linebacker, Saftey, Cornerback, or Defensive End.
On offense i would like to play running back or wide receiver.
I have a little fat around my midsection, which I am trying to get rid of. I am not fat at all. I am like average. I was the smallest person (weight wise) on the defensive line last season. Played 6 games saftey then I was moved to defensive end, i guess they thought i was better at defensive end because i have good speed and get off the ball fast. I had 3 interceptions in my 6 games at saftey. I had 4 sacks in my 3 games at Defensive End.
Any Help?