Came Off TRT. No Libido, Nipple Sensitivity. Now With Bloodwork Included

I was on TRT, but completely lost my libido.
So I came off the T, did a HPTA restart and while I’ve had patches of libido since then now a year later my libido is non existent and i have very sensitive nipples. I’m suspecting my prolactin levels may be messed up.
Obviously I should go and get my blood work done. I paid for decent blood work before I went on the TRT, so have some baselines (I did this in a private hospital in Thailand when I was visiting) but dont think I got prolactin tested.
My question is, what bloodwork should I do to try and solve my libido issue?

total testosterone
free testosterone

Thank you sir

I did my bloodwork, looks like my LH FSH and Free T are a disaster, but I’d love to hear feedback from those in the know.

Libido will be elusive with Free T in the gutter. Libido is multifaceted and having a strong libido is more than just about having ideal hormone levels.

Prolactin is not the problem.

What did your labs look like on TRT?

OK so good news is that Prolactin is ruled out. While I have pre TRT labs and obv the new ones I posted, unfortunately I don’t have labs from when I was on TRT. I simply couldn’t afford them at the time as I was going through a divorce that bankrupted me and they are expensive in this country (for example the 8 results I posted cost over $500 to get done).
It does look like I’m a strong candidate to go back on TRT with those levels though right?

Get up to the top of that range. TRT is the only way. Via a Doctor, or if you decide to do self prescribed TRT get back on before you continue to wonder. A healthy life is essential.

Yeah this life on low T is very grey, I’ve ordered my T, going back on it. Ty for the support.