Ask your doctor if you could have an MrI done to your putuitary gland. Your symptoms sound a lot like what I used to experience. The lab results were low, however due to my age(at the time 27) the doctor refused to prescribe testosterone. After I did the MRI, it showed that I had a brain tumor in my pituitary gland. It wasn’t very big but it affected my life. The good doctor then put me on androgel 5%(I believe it was 5%) which did nothing for me other than frustrate me. Finally, after much complaining and educating my doctor(believe it or not) he decided to research what I was telling him and decided to prescribe Depo-testosterone 200mgs every two weeks. I’m happy to inform you guys that my tumor has not been detected for the last two years and everything is o.k. This tumor is rare and only 1 out of every 100,000 or 1,000,000 men do get it(can’t remember exactly). Have this MRI done, for it could be certaintly causing you to feel like you’re feeling. If everything comes out o.k, you could always take a 200mgs shot every week or every other week of testosterone, along with clomid or nolvadex(I like clomid on a test only cycle - my balls are happy on clomid). Hope this helps.
Everyone here has made some relivant points… however, here is what I feel you must do.
Get out of student health unless they have an endocrinologist on staff. If you have no alternative, make damn sure that they test your LH levels. If you have already shown to have low/low normal test, LH should have been tested right away anyhow. Giving yourself some HCG and then seeing if you have a higher test level isnt really an effective way of diagnosing which part of “the axis” is malfunctioning. DEMAND the LH test, it is crucial. If your LH is normal, then you have done no good by using HCG… your problem lies with insensitive leydig cells in your balls.
Exploit every natural means for test production… if you are an athlete, a lack of zinc and magnesium could slow test production… add ZMA Cut out alchohol and weed for a while. Add in some tribex. Red Kat is supposedly good for suppression at a testicular level. Eat more… exercise (even though athletes have a lower T level than most) lifting can help increase T in some situations.
Resort to different means… clomid would be a good idea… people have taken it for long periods of time successfully with little or no sides. Have your estrogen checked… if you have unusually high estrogen, you could be experiencing estrogenic suppression at a pituitary level. The clo would more than help to solve that problem.
Buy some cialis from a trusted source. It is in fact dirt cheap… you just need to know where to get it I guess.
You basically have 2 situations that you might be in… high LH and no T, or no lh and no T. It is hard to say which would be better… better ask your doctor about that one. Somewhere along the line either you are not making enough lutenizing hormone, or your balls arent responding to the lutenizing hormone… it is your job to find out that situation and then come report back to us.
you have got to DEMAND,not ask for your LH to be tested. if they don’t react favorably,go to an endocrinologist and demand the test. they are there to serve you,you are not there to serve them. by all means get an MRI on your pituitary. get your fsh levels checked as well. keep us up to date with your progress.
E, it doesn’t sound like he needs an MRI done. He mentioned his prolactin levels were not not high and if he indeed had a prolactinoma, they would be sky high.
Oh, and why didn’t your doc put you on bromocriptine which is generally used for a prolactinoma?
SPE, Believe it or not my prolactin levels were not that hight to even indicate the possibility of a tumor, however I demanded answers and the doctor decided to do it anyways, just to be sure. Usually, prolactin levels are quite high indicating some abnormal activity in your pituitary gland…weird to say the least but glad it’s over…I hope.
E-machine- was your pituitary adenoma treated with meds? I wouldnt imagine it just went away on its own…
Squatty- Good advice with the LH…but using hCG as a diagnostic tool can be a big help in determining whether or not the problem is at the pituitary or testicular level (but this is predicated on those very important LH results).
SPE- since when is high prolactin a prerequisite for a pituitary tumor?
3x, believe it or not I only took a homemade remedy. I went to Europe and consulted with a very well know herbalist and took the concoction he recommended. It worked! It is the only explanation I have.
I have this EXACT same problem. I’m 22 and I’ve been posting about it on T-Mag for about two years now.
Here’s the problem. I had your exact same natural total T levels. I found a doctor to give me Androgel. DIDN’T WORK. I found a doctor to give me testosterone cypionate shots. DIDN’T WORK. I tried Clomid. DIDN’T WORK. I tried Nolvadex. DIDN’T WORK. I tried HCG. DIDN’T WORK. I tried combinations of all of these things together. DIDN’T WORK.
I tried tribulus, and yes – even Red Kat. None worked. Green oats (avena sativa) – nothing.
Trust me, I’ve had T-levels in the constant 1200’s, 800’s… plus free T that was double the “high normal” reading on the assay sheet. None of that made a single bit of difference in terms of my sex drive.
and yes – my doctor gave me Cialis – DIDN’T WORK.
What did I have checked? Everything. Even had a pituitary MRI scan with gadolinium injections. Had a prostate exam. Had LH, FSH, Prolactin, Estradiol, T, Free T, Cortisol… everything tested.
Just the other guys here, I get anti-depressants pushed down my throat all the time. I tried 'em for a month, then tossed 'em.
I’ve had no sex drive for about five years now, and I’ve never done any AAS, illegal drugs, etc. In fact, I don’t even drink.
So… my final word is this…
We’re just plain screwed.
stop trying to have sex with farm animals
Squatty, …what?
I was going to post this sooner but haven’t had internet access the last few days. I’m actually having moderate success with the Cialis. Sexually it doesn’t make me back to normal, but I’ve been able to get it up a little better with the Cialis. It gives me a mild headache but I can deal with that for now. Problem is it’s so expensive, but I’m going to check out some web sites to try to find it cheaper. I also have 2 months worth of Clomid on order and should be getting that soon, hopefully next week. I also found out about a financial assistance program through the local medical school. Once I get approved they will be able to set me up with an endo, hopefully one who know what they are doing more than the doctors I’ve seen so far. So hopefully I’ll have some answers to what’s going on in the next few weeks. All of the advice is very much appreciated!