I’m going to totally commit to a strength training program for the next year, coming back from a layoff, my Strength is around Squat 285, Deadlift 302, Press 115, Bench 255. What is my best option here? I was thinking running a beyond 5/3/1 cycle. That being said does Foam Rolling, box jumps and other explosive movements really matter for putting on size and strength?
Beyond is not the best choice for your situation. It is originally made for advanced lifters who can auto-regulate their training effectively. Do some template with ±sets and FSL work, quality volume is more important than intensity for most of the time in strength training.
Speed work is important, and mobility work is crucial (for >90% of the people) when training for strength. I have noticed that if I give lesser focus to mobility my lifts start to suffer in couple of weeks. It is one of the cornerstones in my training.
Jim has speed and mobility part in almost every template/program he mades.
[quote]lionhearted721 wrote:
I’m going to totally commit to a strength training program for the next year, coming back from a layoff, my Strength is around Squat 285, Deadlift 302, Press 115, Bench 255. What is my best option here? I was thinking running a beyond 5/3/1 cycle. That being said does Foam Rolling, box jumps and other explosive movements really matter for putting on size and strength? [/quote]
Yes - without a doubt. Training is like life, balance is a good idea.