Ok Jim, without rehashing my previous question I have been thinking of doing this program. Obviously the conditioning element in the first part of this program is pretty mild. I know you won’t give away later versions yet but will the conditioning increase as this progresses? The timing will be perfect to run the whole thing going into spring training so as long as the conditioning work increases it will be perfect. So I guess the simple question is do I do this or something else?
This is definitely not the program for sport - the purpose of the Beyond 1.1 program is to increase maximal strength. For sports, that is one of MANY factors of achieving a high level. This is not the program I would recommend - check out the article I wrote on TNation called 5/3/1 for Athletes.
Remember that sport performance is NOT weight room performance. To make it more simple - bulletproof the UB, speed/strength the LB and get fast/in-shape. That’s it.
Bodybuild the UB
Increase aerobic capacity via non-strenous means.
I have heard the term “bulletproof” before but I am not really sure what it means. To the best of my understanding it means to build strength and fix any injuries. Is this what you are suggesting? A broad overview of my training plan in the gym is something I got from Joe Defranco…build strength for pressing(bench, military and squat) and bodybuilding for pulling(the back of the body). Add in running, jumping and mobility work and it sounds like what you suggest. Does that sound about right?