Back in high school my buddies and I used to wonder why girls would go ga-ga over ripped abdominals. Our opinion was that you couldn’t knock a guy out in a hockey fight using your abs now could ya. Well, that was eight years ago and now we have learned a little about the impotance of abdominal training. It seems that some companies that were at the fitness expo in Columbus Ohio last weekend tend to think like my buddies and I did back in high school. Almost everywhere you looked companies had silicon filled women pushing their products. Well, since when did silicon help anyone decrease their bodyfat or improve their knowledge on nutrition. However, not all booths at the expo were exempt of knowledgable people. It was nice to see that Biotest/Testosterone had many of their writers and contributors at their booth to talk about actual information that can help in the weight room. They even had a few of their writers do some quick seminars and were available for questions afterwords. Now, not that I am ainty silicon. The girls looked terrific. But it was nice to see a company that pushed knowledge. Keep up the good work guys.