So, I realize that those of us who frequent this site are in the minority. People who make fun of infomercials and quick fixes, aspiring to lift frighteningly heavy weights, and performing “energy systems work” (or cardio to the rest of us Humans). We go home and have more jugs of protein powder on the countetop, than coffee mugs, and we wonder if canned tuna will mix well with peanut butter, for a tuna-nutter sandwich.
But I’m sitting here at work, where I’ve got my shaker bottle and 2-pound container of “will-have-to-do-for-now” protein powder sitting on the side of my desk, and I’ve got my gallon jug of water, which I drink directly from…because them’s the manners Momma taught me, sitting an arm’s reach from the computer.
And I just now happened to glance back at Crazy Dr. Bob who sits at the desk behind me. He’s a stocky fellow, to be polite. Probably 5’9", at least 275, with a 20-something %bodyfat, I’m sure. And I realize that he’s drinking Pepsi, straight from the 2-liter bottle. That just struck me as funny. Not “ha-ha funny”, but “that’s kinda sad” funny.
Suddenly I get a cartoon scene in my head (like in that John Cusack/Demi Moore movie I can’t recall the name of right now, with the fluffy bunnies beating up the rhino). My gallon of water and his 2-liter of soda grow little arms and legs, pick up pencils to use as spears, and battle in a nutrition battle royale. I wonder who’d win. (My money’s on the water. All that carbonation has to effect the soda’s anaerobic endurance).
Anywho, I just had to tell someone about that. If anything, it’s served to reinforce my willpower. Lunch is going to be a grilled chicken on whole wheat with extra tomato, tonight’s workout is power cleans, 7x5. I’m betting that Crazy Dr. Bob’s lunch is (once again) 3 glazed doughnuts and a triple-grande frappachino, and his workout is, well, hefting his large body out of the car, and walking up to his door. Let’s be glad we’ve picked the right team to play for.