Fish Oil Stories

This is an all in one kind of post as you’ll see.

I just started to take fish oil capsules. Gosh, when I opened that bottle for the first time, it smelled like rotting fish. I wanted to puke but I got through it. In a short period of time, my soreness has gone down quite a bit and feel like my mind is more focused. I just started it so we’ll see what kind of results I’ll have in the long run. Its a well received addition to my arsenal.

I wanted to know, overall, what kinds of stories people have relating to fish oil. I know time and time I’ve read on T-Nation to take the stuff, but I never heard many people talk about what it has done for them. I heard it mentioned to help with weight loss, work as an anti inflammotory, and more but no one talks about it…or I missed it.

Additionally, the kind I bought said that it had filtered out all the mecury and blah blah blah. Is that possible or is it a gimmick? Should I be considered with the mercury content in them?

What’s the big difference between taking fish oil and flax seed oil?

And lastly, how much do you take a day?

Nobody talks about it because its like chicken, its a staple to any diet. Its one of the few ways to get omega 3’s in a worthy ammount. Id’e use both flax seed and fish oil, cant get enough of the healthy fats.

Also, I dont think you should be able to smell your fish oil, you might have a bad bottle or something. I know every bottle i’ve gotten didn’t smell of anything. What store did you get it from?

I have noticed that DOMS is much less severe since I have begun supplmenting with fish oil.

Try the shake test. When picking out a bottle of fish oil, shake it and make sure that it shakes freely. If the capsules are stuck together, then some of them may have broken open and gone rancid.

[quote]ipjunkie wrote:
Try the shake test. When picking out a bottle of fish oil, shake it and make sure that it shakes freely. If the capsules are stuck together, then some of them may have broken open and gone rancid. [/quote]

I fill my Spike sample bottle with my fish and flax capsules when I go to work for the day, and I know that if I leave them in the car for too long they will stick together a bit.

[quote]analog_kid wrote:
ipjunkie wrote:
Try the shake test. When picking out a bottle of fish oil, shake it and make sure that it shakes freely. If the capsules are stuck together, then some of them may have broken open and gone rancid.

I fill my Spike sample bottle with my fish and flax capsules when I go to work for the day, and I know that if I leave them in the car for too long they will stick together a bit.


Yes, my post however was when for when you buy them at the store, to see if you’re getting a good bottle in the first place.

Let me start off by saying that I don’t like the taste of salmon. I can’t stand it.

I started taking fish oil here a while back, and I was really having some bad burps from it. I pushed through, knowing how important it was.

Then one day one of the capsules burst in my mouth. I’m not sure how. I nearly puked on my keyboard at work. I tasted fish oil for the rest of the day.

I can’t do it any more. I just can’t do it.


Has anybody found affordable borage oil capsules? I’ve been getting mine from Advanced Orthomolecular Research (GLA-240), but those are pretty pricey.

[quote]freejury wrote:
Nobody talks about it because its like chicken, its a staple to any diet. Its one of the few ways to get omega 3’s in a worthy ammount. Id’e use both flax seed and fish oil, cant get enough of the healthy fats.

Also, I dont think you should be able to smell your fish oil, you might have a bad bottle or something. I know every bottle i’ve gotten didn’t smell of anything. What store did you get it from?[/quote]

You’re right it is a staple. But it sounds like the wonder supplement at the same time so I figured I could find out a little more info.

I got my bottles at Meijer. I dont know if thats a country wide store…its a lot like Wal-mart. I thought fish oil was much like creatine, just buy whatever you can find and on sale. That’s what I did.

According to Consumer Reports freezing them before taking them helps reduce burping.

[quote]folly wrote:

Let me start off by saying that I don’t like the taste of salmon. I can’t stand it.

I started taking fish oil here a while back, and I was really having some bad burps from it. I pushed through, knowing how important it was.

Then one day one of the capsules burst in my mouth. I’m not sure how. I nearly puked on my keyboard at work. I tasted fish oil for the rest of the day.

I can’t do it any more. I just can’t do it. [/quote]

You need to get Carlson’s lemon-flavored liquid. No chance of it bursting in your mouth, and absolutely 0 fishy taste. If it gives you burps, you have lemon burps, which bother me a lot less than fish burps :wink:

Really? I had not seen this. (My mind is already contemplating possible reasons for this observation…) Interesting! I guess we learn something everyday… especially being part of a Think Tank!

[quote]Jersey5150 wrote:
According to Consumer Reports freezing them before taking them helps reduce burping.[/quote]

[quote]Jersey5150 wrote:
According to Consumer Reports freezing them before taking them helps reduce burping.[/quote]

That’s a really good idea. I will have to try that out. Once I get the taste out of my mouth. :slight_smile:

[quote] leafblighter wrote
You need to get Carlson’s lemon-flavored liquid.[/quote]

Thanks! I’ll look for that. Maybe I’ll freeze the lemon-fish oil and make lemon-fish pops!

oh wow.



I have not read the entire thread so if someone else already recommended the following I apologize:

If you are smelling rotten fish when you open the bottle you purchased a very cheap and questionable brand of fish oil! Also the cheap ones sort of “repeat” on you after consumption.

I have taken the following fish oil supplements and never had a problem:

Life Extension brand

Drs. Sears brand Zone brand

They are two of the best! If anyone is whining about price then simply don’t buy them. However, keep in mind that when you “buy” cheap you usually “get” cheap and we are talking about something that is supposed to improve your health not make you sick.

I don’t have to have the best power tool, or the nicest car or finest cloths. However, when it comes to supplements I always buy the best and have for over 30 years.

Good luck,


I take about 4g of EPA/DHA aday. Dr. Berardi says for training athletes between 3-5g of EPA/DHA is needed.

I’ve found the best ones in the UK to be boots super concentrated fish oils which have per 1g tablet 330mg DHA and 220mg EPA. This is one thing to watch out for in the UK as different brands of fish ois tablets have considerable differences in the amount of DHA/EPA in them.

My DOMS and early morning stiffness has reduced considerably, my skin condition (psoriasis has improved) and better mental focus.

In the UK there have been a few studies with supplementation of problem kids diets (particularly those with ADHD) with EPA/DHA and all have shown a considerable improvement in the kids behaviors and concentration.

As for flaxseed oil I’m not really sure this works and have read an article about reduced testosterone when you take flaxseed oil so i don’t touch it. Not really sure why you would if you take fish oils.

[quote]Panther1015 wrote:
Has anybody found affordable borage oil capsules? I’ve been getting mine from Advanced Orthomolecular Research (GLA-240), but those are pretty pricey.[/quote]

Do you have Meijers stores in Virginia?

They sell something called Quad Omega. It is a combination of Fish, Flax, Borage and Safflower oils. Costs $12.98 a bottle, and they often have buy one get one free.

According to the article on Consumer reports the tested a bunch of brands and found no difference in purity or potency among brands tested.

So check out their list, their top two are Costcos and Sams Clubs fish oil capsule. THats what I am using untill the cats at Biotest get off their kiesters and get that new supp. out! :wink:

Indra, i use those ones as well, two caps before brekkie and two caps with dinner. Only ever get the fishy burps now and again, taking it prior to food helps. I also take 1 capsule of flax oil with the cod liver, i’ve read more good things than bad. I used to have a fat phobia before i stumbled on this site and my physique has definately improved since i have increased the good fats, cod liver/flax, olive oil and nuts - loads of nuts!

Nordic Naturals makes a great strawberry flavored fish oil with 500 mg of DHA (out of 740 mg. total). They make fish oil capsules for children that are chewable, and my 2 and 5 year old boys beg for them like they’re candy.

[quote]FMF wrote:
Nordic Naturals makes a great strawberry flavored fish oil with 500 mg of DHA (out of 740 mg. total). They make fish oil capsules for children that are chewable, and my 2 and 5 year old boys beg for them like they’re candy. [/quote]

Chewable? I’m sorry man…that sounds awful…