Kill the Taste of Fish Oil

Got some liquid (non-pill) fish oil and damn, there doesn’t seem to be anything that I can do to kill the taste. Even a mix like 16 oz. juice, 1 scoop whey, 5g creatine (which usually seems to kill whatever I put it in) and the fish oil is still going. Not even greens mix, when I used it, would do anything.

Yeah, yeah, choke it down like a man, but there’s gotta be something I can do…

This is the same problem I had with flax oil. No matter what I did, I couldn’t take it without gagging. Unless someone here has a good recommendation, I’d just tough it out and buy some Flameout for your next purchase.

Yeah, take a shot of it and wash it down with rams piss or something.

Then, next time order Flameout for your EFA’s.

Figure out what they use in the lemon flavored stuff. It doesn’t taste like fish at all.

Is there a reason you arent using capsules? If you get the enteric coated ones you will really not even notice it. Plus it will wait to digest till it hits the intestines which provide better absorbtion anyways.

get carlson’s liquid fish oil. the stuff actually tastes good, definately not like fish. its great.

I use the lemony flavored fish oil and it taste like oil whithout the after taste of fish.

You get use to it.

What brand are you using?

I use Nutrasea and I have no issues with the taste as I’ve had with other brands.

It also might’ve gone bad if it wasn’t in the fridge.

dude liquid flax oil is like ice cream compared to liquid fish oil.

i have gone through 3 bottles in 2 months and everytime i think about my committment to it i feel like throwing up or i get a headache.

gnarly smell.

Then again i have liquid cod liver oil which is the worst. Thats what i get for being a cheapass.

Same opinion here. Carlson’s brand taste really good, and I actually ENJOY taking it. Get the natural lemon flavor.

I did a lot of research on fish oil, and carlson’s is top shelf. Check it out for yourself.

When I took fish oil in pill form, I would get “belching” fish problem. Not so with Carlson’s.

[quote]Jesse22 wrote:
get carlson’s liquid fish oil. the stuff actually tastes good, definately not like fish. its great.[/quote]

Oh, man, I do have the lemon (I think there’s some rosemary in there too…wtf?). Ugh.

I like the liquid because it’s cheaper than the caps, but seriously…ugh.

Will have to check out the Carson’s though.

Put your tablespoon or w/e in a shot glass or something similar, and add a dash of milk with it to help it slide out of the glass. The milk helps take away the nastiness aswell.

Store your fish oil in the fridge. I taste nothing when I take it. Of course, this is for fish oil pills. I cannot imagine sucking down the pure liquid. Yuck!