Lifts of Importance are Deadlift, Squat, and Bench press.
Bench Press:
Before: 245
After : 285
Before: 405
After : 500
Squat: (parallel (where hip folds))
Before: 335
After : 405
In conclusion, I seriously think westside training protocols are the way to go if you want to seriously increase your lifts to a new level.
Now, I attempted at a 295 bench 20 minutes after I succeeded at 285, and I didn’t feel the speed was there. But on board press and floor press movements, while training, I could lock out 305 on board, and 290 on floor. Just curious if I should keep the same format, and let those numbers go up as time and training progress, or should I possibly add some extra gpp stuff ?
Also, for you strength guys, how much “chest” strength is involved with the bench press. In westside, we are constantly training our upper back, shoulders, and triceps to ultimately give us the strength, but would incorporating a gpp of some pressing movement help any ?
Congrats on the success with the Westside protocol.
I’ve noticed alot of people in the forum have had success with Westside. I was wondering where I could find that workout? Any help would be appreciated.
Phase was 8 weeks of training, and the 9th week was dedicated to max out.
I was going to mention that the deadlift was with the assistance of straps. I’m currently working on CoC grips while on the KTA program, and I’ve already made good progress with my grip strength, so hopefully I’ll be able to pull the same weight w/o straps by the end of the year.
Sorry for the multiple posts, but during this phase, I really think it’s a awesome hypertrophy program too. My upper back looks deadly know, and my overall body is more dense than ever before.
Ryno, this is my first time ever on the Westside program, and once I get more adaptive to the style, I’ll start using circa-maximal methods (bands, chains)
fullcout: I actully purchased the westide training seminar, basically to visually how to squat, and bench right. My deadlift form was identical, but my squat and bench probably went up 10 lbs just by learning how to set myself up before I would preform the lift. To get the 9 week program, you can visit:
I hate rushing threads, so I might mis-spell occasionally like I did in the previous thread. Anyways, for the 25% increase in the dead lift, what I REALLY think helped me accomplish this was the really heavy good mornings. When I first started good mornings, I thought I was going to break my back, but after I worked at some gpp with some bands over my neck and kicking out 50 good mornings just with bands for awhile, that helped bring my condition up to par. Finally, I ended up singling 345lbs (yes, while having my upper truck parallel with the floor).
Also, another key factor was upper back training. When I did my previous 1rm in the deadlift when I maxxed out, it felt relatively easy. By learning how to pull right, and concurrently training your upper back really benefited the lift as well.
And finally, glute and hamstring training to the max Glute ham raises, box squats, good mornings, stiffs, sumos, lunges, 1 leg squats, etc. I’ve never thrown up after a workout, but after 5 weeks in, we worked our tails off, and I came home and literally threw up pretty violently. My legs hurt so bad from max effort day I really wanted to stop, but I had goals to reach, and I wasn’t wanting to go back to bodybuilding, so I kept on, and it ultimately paid off.
I guess that is all I have to offer from my experience, but any other questions are welcome. Again, this is all from my own experience, so having that said, these things might do jack for you.
Dany, no drugs. Only supplementation I used was myoplex shakes for mid-meals, Surge for post-workout, and creatine (5g/day)
I have a relatively high metabolism, so I ate ~4500kcal/day. I tried to follow P+C and P+F meals, but I really didn’t care all that much, so probably 30% of the time, I ate what I saw in front of me.
Good work
I’d keep the same basic format and add in a day or two of GPP. The chest is not that important to a big bench so I wouldn’t add any chest work yet. Basically, If it aint broke don’t fix it
Having looked at it very briefly I noticed the lack of deadlifting exercises in it. I saw the partials in weeks 4,5,and 6. I was wondering where you had fit the deadlifting in or did you just test your max after that 8 weeks. Thanks again for the help.
Full count
The WSB doesn’t do much direct deadlift training because It involves the same muscles as the squat so… if it builds the squat it will build the deadlift. If you want to include Deadlifts I’d check out dave tates deadlift article here
Congrats bro that is some sick progress. I agree with you about Westside, it is definitely the way to go for power lifting and size does come with it. Can’t go wrong with adding one or two sessions of GPP, sled dragging is always a fan favorite, but there are many others forms. But remember extra workouts and GPP are supposed to help the main workouts not hurt them.
Good stuff, huh? After trying Westside for the first time several years ago, I was hooked. Plus I gained about 20 lbs. in about a month, though I was coming off a low carb diet, so it was accompanied by a month long “eat everything!” carb up. As far as muscle gains, I gained awesome size in my upper back, posterior chain, and triceps.
uhmm, because maybe after succeeding at 285 exhausted me, and stressed my front delts quite a bit, so I actively took a 20 min break before attempting 295. There is NO way in hell I was gonna jump right into a max lift say 5+ minutes after I just failed at a higher weight. Plus I do the long rest period for psychological reasons. Max lifts can be made or breaked if your not right in your head, so I was just trying to block the negatives, and just focusing on blasting the bar up. Takes awhile sometimes to get into the zone (atleast for me).
Good point, I guess everyone is different. For me after I make a lift I get so amped up I jump around like an idiot for a few minutes then try again within 10 to 5 mins of the last attempt. If I want any longer I don?t really feel into it anymore and I guess I leave my ?zone?. Well anyway keep up the great work.