Tried Good mornings for the first time today. Perhaps I should just lower the weight, but I found it impossible to keep my back from rounding. tips and suggestions appreciated.
When you unrack the bar make its resting on your rear delts not your traps(low bar)pull your shoulder blades together. Take a big breath of air just like you would a squat and push your hips back.
Great suggestion above. Id also say yes lower the load and Id learn the more still leg version in Proper form then go to the more bent leg version as you are doing almost a GM/squat a great move but different.
Maybe set the pins lower the load slow eccentric get that stretch in the ham,s etc. rest on pins short pause and GO from dead stop
GM’s are a great move take a sec to really nail em then go HEAVY
I just finished doing GM’s today. They are great, I like the above suggestions. Look at yourself in the mirror the whole time you are doing the lift, that will help keep your back up. Also the way I visualize it is it is just a RDL but the bar is on your back and not in your hands, so if you are familiar with that movement that should help.
I also agree to lower the load a bit and keep the legs a bit straighter until you get more comfortable with it. Like any higher skill exercise they will take a couple of weeks to get used to, but it is better to build the form now and then go heavy later on.
too much bend in the knees. start the movement at the hips. you’re breaking from the knees and basically doing a partial squat
Agree with the above posts.
Try and bend your knees less and put more emphasis on your hamstrings. You’re pushing your glutes back, which is good, but you’re doing it by bending your knees too much. Bend your knees a little bit – they don’t have to be completely stiff --but then put all the focus on your hamstrings.
On your third rep, it looked like your hips began to lower like in a squat; you don’t want that. Your hips basically don’t lower at all. Your hips stay at the same height, you just push your glutes back slightly and stretch your hamstrings as you lower your torso.
Then you push your glutes back in to raise yourself. Your hips should not be lowering or raising during the lift, nor your knees flexing either.
Think: stretching the hamstrings.
[quote]roshvillian17 wrote:
Tried Good mornings for the first time today. Perhaps I should just lower the weight, but I found it impossible to keep my back from rounding. tips and suggestions appreciated.
Your technique tweaking. Drive your elbows down and forwards(as when you squat). This will force your chest out and help you look up.
Also make sure you brace your midsection. If you take a big breath of air into your belly then brace yourself as if you were about to get punched it is very difficult to round your back.
Not completely off topic, but funny none the less: