Hey all,
First of all, I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this. I know we’re busy.
I am looking for the ideal mass building workout regimen for a first time bulker; not a first time lifter.
I am conflicted as to if I should do something like a 3 to 4 day split emphasizing volume, or a 3 day full body workout plan. I am natural. I would appreciate recommendations.
I will be coming out of my current plan which is a 3-day split for cutting, reverse pyramid 5,6,8 on the compound lifts and a few auxillary’s each day, I run on the off lifting days and just hike or rest on Sundays.
I put on muscle pretty quickly when I have the proper nutrition, I have gotten some very quick gains in strength and mass in the past by fucking up my intake/macros in a failed cutting attempt and just while lifting without nutrition.
Activity I plan on maintaining:
Running 3 miles 2-3x a week. I want to keep my cardiovascular health and endurance.
I hike every week or so, nothing crazy.
I walk to work 2mph each way everyday day. I average 20-30k steps today
I will be playing flag football once a week this Fall.
I plan on compensating with eating more for the bulk; I understand that much activity is likely not ideal.
Added details if interested:
I would not consider myself a beginner when it comes to lifting; I have been lifting since I was 13 years old. However, being a fat kid, it has taken me a long time (31 years old now) to finally get to a place where I have a low enough body fat percentage and have the motivation to do my first ever bulk.
Physique Status:
I am currently 170lb (77kg)ish and 8% BF on average. I have abs, but I still have some body fat on my love handles I want to try and get rid of, so I am prepping to start my bulk in September and go as low as I can go losing no more than 2lbs a week (I am on trajectory). I am trying to go really lean to ensure I have burned enough fat for my skin to reset (not doing too bad in that department and it’s improving drastically with basic care).
Any thoughts/recommendations appreciated. I just want a good program I believe in so I an kick things off the first week of September and start building a strong muscular physique after this long cut I’ve been on.