My first meet went well! Got a 1115 total at 175 pounds and more importantly had a lot of fun.
I made two mistakes, one major, one minor. The major mistake I made was not having enough confidence in my squat.
I opened with 285 which felt super awkward mainly because of how nervous I was but also because it was the first time using a monolift and first time squatting without a mirror. I Second attempt was 315 which was easy. Third attempt was 340. I should have gone up to 375 but I didn’t because I thought that would have been too big a jump. I nailed the 340. I was pleased that the 340 felt so good but disappointed I didn’t use my attempts as wisely as I should have.
Bench went well. 240 felt like nothing, and 260 felt decent too. I decided to go for 275 because I didn’t want to be too conservative like I was with squat. As I lowered it to my chest it felt really light, I started to press it and all of a sudden I lost it. No big deal anyway, this was the minor mistake.
Deadlifts went perfectly. Opened with 440 - easy. Then went up to 485 - easy again. I wasn’t expecting these to feel so easy because it had been a long day and I hadn’t eaten too much. Then I went for 510 which I’ve failed with twice recently in the gym, I smoked it.
All in all pretty happy. Bench and deadlifts went to plan. Squats didn’t but I’ll put that right in next weeks competition.
It was a great learning experience, great to see a world champion powerlifter break some records and meet a lot of other lifters.
I have another meet on Sunday and could do with some advice regarding openners.
Below is a video of my best bench, deadlift and 2nd attempt squat (guy filming missed my 3rd)