I have videos of all my best lifts, I’ll try to get them up on here. I don’t have them on youtube yet. But here’s a rundown of the meet.
I weighed in at 180.2 on Friday. Probably between 192 and 197 throughout the day on Saturday. I’m sure it varied quite a bit with fluid intake and exertion.
I went 9/9 on my lifts, hitting PR’s on all 3. Approximate numbers were 514/384/584. KG’s were exactly 232.5/170/265.
So some things of note: I’d never lifted with a monolift before. My first attempt I walked out. The second attempt I forgot to tell the spotters I planned to walk it out, so I didn’t. It felt just fine, even though my feet weren’t spaced right. I got away with it. 3rd attempt I planned to not walk it out, so my set up was better. Wasn’t even much of a grinder, for a 20lbs PR.
Bench press was a smoke show on my first 2 attempts. I turned in 170kg for my 3rd attempt, watched a video, and immediately went back to the table to raise it to 172.5, which should have been allowable in the rules; however, they wouldn’t do it for me for some reason. I’ve notified the APF of the incident, hopefully they can better inform their scorers for future meets. Anyway, smoked my 3rd attempt, for a 10 lbs PR. More than 2x bodyweight.
Deadlift warm ups felt kinda heavy. Warmed up to 495. But my first attempt was easy, 2nd attempt wasn’t bad. Had a little leg shake on my last attempt, and I strained a bicep, but the lift looked great. I pulled hard through the sticking point, and it never slowed. 30 lbs PR. Well over 3x bodyweight.
My takeaways from the meet:
Competing is awesome. I can’t recommend it enough. I had a blast. One of the best days of my life.
Plazma was AWESOME to have. I went through 6-8 scoops throughout the day. Energy stayed high, and obviously I stayed strong.
I don’t video a lot of training, so it was good to see all my lifts from the meet. I learned that my bench press actually looks to be my best lift technically, and deadlift is probably worst, although all the lifts looked really solid. I’ve put a ton of work into fixing my pressing, so I was glad to see this.
The deload starting nearly weeks out of the meet was a good idea. Everything felt great. I should deload regularly.
The water cut did not affect my strength at all.
I squat to depth easily. This was not an issue.