First Dead Lift, Front Squats, in 10 Years

[quote]paulwhite959 wrote:
Adding some DB tricep extensions wouldn’t phase me at all, I just wasn’t sure if it was needed.[/quote]
Needed? Do I need to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.

But um, yeah, really not much harm in a bit of direct triceps work as long as it’s properly programmed in relation to the rest of the routine.

[quote]Workout A:
Dead lift
Overhead press
DB Rows
barbell curls

Workout B
DB bench press
Bent over row
Straight leg dead
Tricep extension
incline curls
one handed farmers walk (shoulders, abs?) I can just pace the length of the building back and forth 2x per hand.[/quote]
Meh. Okay, if you want to design your own plan rather than working off one already designed by a coach, I’d do it like this:

Workout A
A) Clean 4x1-3
B) Deadlift 4x4-6
C1) Lunge 4x6-10
C2) Pullover 4x10-12
D1) 2 dumbbell row 3x8-10
D2) Overhead press 3x6-10
E) Barbell curl 3x8-10

Random conditioning exercise 10-20 minutes

Workout B
A) Step-up 4x6-8
B) Stiff leg deadlift 3x8-10
C) Low incline (or flat) dumbbell press 5x6-8
D) Bent over row 4x6-8
E1) Triceps extension 3x8-10
E2) Incline curl 3x 10-12

Random conditioning exercise 10-20 minutes

For some ideas on the conditioning part, check out:

^ Since you mentioned farmer’s walks, definitely try “The Eagle” mentioned here, using dumbbells. That’ll also add in some solid leg work.

Your nutrition will play a big role in this.

Lower volume training for strength works better if the exercise frequency is higher - if you’re hitting the same exercise more often during the week. But you also want to balance overall recovery through the week.

Training deadlifts and clean hard in one session, your low back may or may not be recovered enough to go just as hard on barbell rows and stiff leg deads a few days later, and then hit the deads and cleans again a few days after that, repeat and repeat. That’s something you can play with as you go, based on how you perform and how you feel.

Fair enough. 4 or 5 good sets, playing with the weight to stay within 1 to 3 quality reps would be a good, productive start. Like Dan John has said, “about 10 good reps” is a solid goal when training a lift primarily for strength.