First days back

Well, you guys have inspired me. I have embarked on a workout program and lifestyle CHANGE that involves lifting obscene amounts of weights, hi protein/low carb lifestyle, and lots of water, creatine, and other supplements to enhance fat loss and muscle growth.

Right now, my body is RACKED with pain from the build up of lactic acid, but that just fits with my new motto that says, “Pain is just weakness leaving your body.”

My goal is to be a genetic freak. I want to be 250 lbs, with a 50" chest, 36" waist, 20" neck, and 18" biceps. Just like when I was playing rugby, and I don't want to be a fat bastard any more.

I must say, even though I am a lot ‘softer’ than I was, I did not lose that much strength. I was shocked at how much I could still move, especially when I worked legs last saturday. I worked those bastards so hard that on my last set of squats, I got light headed, and thought I was going to PUKE, however puking is not an excuse to quit, so I just got my senses, and pressed on.

Not wanting to wait to order Mag10 and some of the products from T-mag, I am using Cell-tech and an ephedrine/caffeine booster. I will probably order some of the other things from this place shortly.

What supplements and enhancers can you guys recommennd for me. I am just doing a basic workout for the first month or so, after that, I REALLY want to turn up the intensity.

Roman, Aiki, and you guys that originally responded to my plea for help, THANK YOU…even though I am sore, I feel better than I have in a LONG time.

Go heavy or go home,
Sir Hacksalot

If you are using that shit Cell-tech then you aren’t displaying a “low carb lifestyle.”

Is Cell-Tech Shit?

Two servings of cell-tech each day, along with a high protein diet, might not be LOW CARB for a guys that is a bodybuilder, but compared to the shit I was eating before, THAT IS LOW CARB.

I eat no rice, potatoes, bread, or other starches, I add no sugar, I stay away from it. Eggs, meat, chicken, fish, and fresh green veggies are ALL I eat.

In four days time, I am already seeing a drastic change in my body. The shape and size of my arms is coming back, my traps are coming back, and I can already feel a difference around my waistline with my pants.

It may be CRAP, but it’s working, and will be what I use until I can buy some of the stuff advertised here.

Sir Hacksalot

Go for it Sir H. Muscles have a memory and it is much easier to get them back then it was to obtain them originally. I would go with a relatively low carb MRP or protein supplement, a multivitamin and creatine to start. I personally don’t think you need phormones at this point but if you can afford them, it won’t hurt. Good luck!

Glad to hear about you renewed attitude fat boy :wink: You’ve got the “hunger” back, and if you can maintain it you will achieve your results in no time. As great as supplements claim to be now adays I still think that the bulk of any good cutting or gaining phase is diet and excercise. Focus on that. Yes I know for psychological reasons we all want to be on a “magic potion”. I know I sometimes need to buy supplements just to keep me focus. By that I mean thats I’ll buy supplements (blowing tons of money) and then I do my best to not let them go to “waste”. I know this is insane but you’d be surprised how many people do that. Aside from that there arent a billion effecient supplements out there. You already know of ephedrine, creatine,methoxy-7 also seems to be worth while, and (the new andros if you are into that, which I’m not). I dont think you really got screwed with the Cell-blank. It might be pricier but at least it works equally well as any other creatine out there. You could have gotten something cheaper, but at least you didnt get screwed quality wise. I’m not from “brown town” like alot of guys here. Some people are convinced that if you dont get brand X of product Y then it wont give any results. I personally feel that many brands which are knockoffs work equally as well. I’ve experimented with many and I’ve yet to be proven wrong (assuming competition is mildly reputable). All that being said I’ll usually go with the company who invented a product, even if its more expensive. Thats my way of telling them “Good work, thanks for coming up with innovative ideas.” Not to mention they’ve probably spent more money researching, and again I want to support that. The knockoffs ARENT SHIT! Ok I think I repeated that enough times to get my point across :wink: Anyways… Good work tubby. By the way if you were really hardcore you’d snap some pics of you now and then in X weeks from now to show us. Worry about getting a scanner later Mr Excuses :wink: I’m doing the same. We could compare.

Thanks guys, I guess part of the reason I rushed out and bought some products was because I WANTED TO START, and wanted something, anything that would help with the lactic acid buildup. Even if it was just a psychological effect, it worked, and I got off my lardass and into the gym.

My goals are really pretty simple. I don’t want to be any bigger, I simply want to trim down or CUT DOWN the body fat.

Once my body gets past the initial shock and soreness of the first month, I have a feeling it will respond VERY quickly to the exercise and diet.

Ironically, I was doing the anabolic diet without even knowing it. It was something I discovered while doing Atkins many moons ago…if I had ONE DAY and really loaded the carbs, I felt a lot better during the week than if I avoided them altogether.

I am keeping my caloric intake at about 1900 per day, and the bulk of what I eat is eggs, fish, chicken, beef, cheese, pork, and green vegetables. No bread, no rice, no potatos, no starches. At 290 lbs, and increasing my activity level as much as I have, it won’t be long Roman before I make you call me MISTER Fatboy!:wink:

I am 29 years old, and will be 30 in march. My goal is to be in better shape at 31 than I was when I was 21.

With this sight as a resource, I will do it.

Sir Hacksalot

Just keep up that intensity and results will follow, I’m another fatboy at 280 and 14% b/f but im workin to get myself back to the old days of 405 lb. benches