Well, you guys have inspired me. I have embarked on a workout program and lifestyle CHANGE that involves lifting obscene amounts of weights, hi protein/low carb lifestyle, and lots of water, creatine, and other supplements to enhance fat loss and muscle growth.
Right now, my body is RACKED with pain from the build up of lactic acid, but that just fits with my new motto that says, “Pain is just weakness leaving your body.”
My goal is to be a genetic freak. I want to be 250 lbs, with a 50" chest, 36" waist, 20" neck, and 18" biceps. Just like when I was playing rugby, and I don't want to be a fat bastard any more.
I must say, even though I am a lot ‘softer’ than I was, I did not lose that much strength. I was shocked at how much I could still move, especially when I worked legs last saturday. I worked those bastards so hard that on my last set of squats, I got light headed, and thought I was going to PUKE, however puking is not an excuse to quit, so I just got my senses, and pressed on.
Not wanting to wait to order Mag10 and some of the products from T-mag, I am using Cell-tech and an ephedrine/caffeine booster. I will probably order some of the other things from this place shortly.
What supplements and enhancers can you guys recommennd for me. I am just doing a basic workout for the first month or so, after that, I REALLY want to turn up the intensity.
Roman, Aiki, and you guys that originally responded to my plea for help, THANK YOU…even though I am sore, I feel better than I have in a LONG time.
Go heavy or go home,
Sir Hacksalot