First cycle

I?m heading for my first cycle, and would be grateful if anyone with more experience could comment. I have been reading plenty of articles and forum posts for some months now, but want to check if I?m missing out on something.

I?m in no hurry, and want to start of “gently” considering choise of steroids and their sides. Lasting mass gains with low/no water retention preferably. Anyway, my plans are headed towards a 6-week cycle with Primo Depot or TA 50 mg ED + Winny Depot 50 mg ED. Clomid postcycle.

A few questions:

  1. Does it look good to start with, considering my goals and choices?
  2. Thoughts on the Primo/TA?
  3. Clomid/Anti-E?s. I?ve got the impression that the substances I listed don?t require any anti-e?s during cycle? Would it be wise to keep nolva at hand? A “friend” told me that clomid won?t be neccesary postcycle, if using these aas and dosages. But won?t my endogenous production be lowered and helped by clomid postcycle?
  4. Frontloading. Good idea, or is it ony neccesary with longer half-lifes?

I hope any of you vets could comment. Maybe I haven?t been to specific, but I feel like I?ve gotta start of somewhere with my questions.



What is “Winny Depot”?

I’d say your freind is wrong about the clomid and you should undoubtedly use it post cycle. Also keeping nolvadex on hand is definetely a good idea being that this is your first cycle and you don’t know how your body will react. As for the anti-e’s I don’t think they’re that necessary. How much do you expect to gain.

6 week cycle isnt long enough.

You want to do a minimum of 8 and a max of 12. To get the MOST out of your time and effort.

P#22: As I suspect you understand, I?m talking about intramuscular Winstrol, not the oral version. Have I missunderstood something?

T.Durden: I don?t really know how much I can expect to gain. My diet and training feels pretty tuned in, I?m currently about 175 lbs with 10% BF. I plan on consuming about 4200 kcal with 2 grams protein/pound FFM. I?ve been taking care of my diet and training for some years now, and although I?ve got good strength improvements (310 pounds bench, 470 pound deadlift, 5 x 440 pound squat) I haven?t gained very much muscle.

O.k, I thought “Winny Depot” may be one of those “legal steroids” they sell on the net that are fake.

So here goes: If you are planning on running primo by itself you will need to frontload it. 1200mg should be good, except for the fact if your stuff is schering (100mg/ml),12cc of injectable plus 7cc of V is a lot of liquid to inject in a week. After the first week continue with 600mg of primo per week and 50 mg of winstrol ed. These drugs do not aromatise so you don’t need an aromatase inhibitor. Just keep clomid on hand. At end of cycle I think you can wait a week and start your clomid recovery protocol for 3 weeks or longer. Primo isn’t as suppressive as other steroids and many people use it at the end of a cycle as a bridge.

If you decide to run TA = Trenbolone Acetate? You should bump your dose up to 100mg per day. No front is needed but you will be doing everyday injections of 2cc (with winstrol included). At the end of your cycle you can start clomid therapy immediately and run it 3 weeks or until your natural test kicks back in.
Once again Trenbolone doesn’t aromatise so anti E’s are not needed. It can however, convert to progesterone but this isn’t too common. If it does happen have some bromo on hand or try Chaste berry\ Vitex from your local health foods store.
good luck, you should make good lean hard gains. I see no reason to extend the cycle past 6 weeks.

Nolvadex and clomid are anti-e’s Tyler Durden. Make sure you know what your talking about. But yes, winnie and primo do not aromatise but clomid should be kept on hand with andro gel to boost the nuts back up. If you think this is wrong, check Cy’s post from a week or so back.

DragOn… buddy you talking to me? Yes I am well aware of Cy’s article, just not everyone has access to androgel, I know I sure don’t so I am going to be using enantate at the end of my cycle. But I was just giving him advice on how to use what he had on hand.

By the way Clomid and Nolvadex are not anti E’s. They are receptor antagonists or Estrogen blockers so technically Tyler was right, I think he was refering to aromatase inhibitors like Adex.

Sorry guys, I ment to say that I didn’t think an anit-e should be run throughtout the cycle but to keep one on hand (like nolva) would be a good idea.

Prisoner, no wasn’t directing that towards you. I also stand corrected on the clomid. Yes, it suppresses so you could say in that respect, they keep the estrogen from working, against, anti, estrogen.

A lot of guys will run clomid thru out a cycle. I am starting it after a winnie primo test cycle along with the andro gel. Check with your doctors they may prescribe it. Mine gave me the scrip for clomid and andro gel.