Cycle Advice, Please

Guys, just wanted to run a cycle by you…see what ya thought.

stats-6’1",220 p and 28y/o. 15% bf
goal-10 pounds solid muscle, and cut fat

weeks 1-6
300mg test prop ew-with front load (600mgs)

weeks 6-9
300 mg primo ew

weeks 3-9
70mgs winny, 10mg ed divided doses

15mg Nolva ed throughout

Clomid week 7 -300/150/50 then 50ed for 4-5 weeks

I am thinking I should be able to take the clomid very quikly after I cease the prop. This should start boosting the little guys, while the primo helps retain size. Does this sound correct? The prop should be out of my system in about a week/week and a half if I have read correctly, so the Clomid can go to work.

Also, I am thinking of taking the Nolva a few weeks after the prop, in combination with the clomid.

P.S. I value all of your constructive criticism, but please if you are going to flame, use it on someone else. Thanks.

Los Bonos de J

your doseages are low i would up them more…

Dude, you can pick up 10 lbs pretty easy without any gear. This cycle is way too mickey mouse to be worth the effort. You are barely making replacement doses. I understand you might want to be conservative but this is a little too conservative!


Yeah I was thinking the same thing def. bump up the prop,and I didnt see if the winny are orals or injectable,if oral I would bump that up to 100mg ED…Give the steriod diet a shot along with this with re-feeds every 7 days,you will get some nice results I promise…Good luck!

I basically agree with the above bro’s. I would just about double everything. hell, you should be able to lose 10lbs of fat and gain 10lbs of LBM easily with a nice prop/primo/winny cycle. personally I would drop the primo and add tren.

Not to be mean but if you’re going to wuss out on the doseages just save your money for Alpha Male and Low-Carb Grow! you’d get better results.

Ok,Ok,Ok. Double the dosages. Got it. Lets say I double the dosages of the Primo/Prop and bring the Winny up to 100 ed (oral).

That being aside.

What do you guys think about the rest of my post? IE: Clomid and Nolva situation. I would really like to get your feedback

J Bonis

Use nolvadex for recovery it is more effective and has fewer sides. 40mg/day for the first two weeks of pct, followed by 20mg/day for the next 2-3 weeks of pct will have you fully restored. Clomid can make you feel all pms and moody. Nolva accomplishes the same thing without the side effects.

Why 15mg/day nolvadex? Almost every tab i’ve seen is 20mg, and 3/4 tab doesnt make much sense. When you’re nipples start to itch, begin a few (3-4) of 20mg/day then drop it to 10mg/day, and bring dosage back up if the itching returns (this protocol makes more sense if you have 20mg tablets). At the dosages you’ve suggested though (the double) estrogen won’t be a huge issue unless you are quite susceptible to it.



My supplier calls this sh*t Nolvadex. They come in 15mg pills and 20 per container.

He has always been straight with me, so I have no reason to distrust. What do you think? Could he just be using the name Nolvadex as a generic term?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

J bone

Well, its surely not impossible that its 15mg in strength. If he’s been straight with you in the past then i would expect it is what he says it is. Just be careful, i have heard of people getting fake nolvadex before with some fairly uncool results. However, like i said before on your cycle estrogen will not be a huge concern. I would likely hold off on the nolvadex until you start to get itchy in the nipples and then just use the full tablet. Start by taking one tab every day for the first few days, then cut it back to a full tab every other day, or a half tab every day. Nolvadex has a half life in the body of about 4 days.

For PCT, just adjust the doses to something that resembles what i mapped out for you but pick some doses that allow you to fraction your pills conveniently.

To answer your other question, nolvadex is actually a brand name for the chemical tamoxifen that everybody just started to use for every tamoxifen product.


justinp has got the right idea.

I personally prefer clomid PCT.
Nolvadex to keep the gyno-fairy away.
And femara as an anti-aromatase…