Cheers for having a read and giving some advice if it’s there.
I’m early 30’s, 6’2, 320lb and 29%BF. I was lean in my early 20’s, hovering between 10-15%BF at 250lb then I got married, had kids and got fat. I’ve never done a cycle before although I was tempted in my 20’s.
I started this journey about 12 months ago at 360lb’s. I’ve got around 12 years of training experience, I was in a sports development programme from 15 where we started weights training.
What I want to achieve
I’m on a mission to get back to that 10-15%BF range at 250lb.
I currently train 6 days a week, cardio first thing in the morning and weights later in the day
Monday - Back (volume)
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Triceps and core
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Back (heavy)
Saturday - biceps and core
All days except Monday start with heavy compounds and then move to more volume work. Monday is all volume and no deadlifts (I’m fucked for squats the next day if I do deadlifts Monday)
I also do around 30 minutes of cardio on my training days and have an active rest day on Sunday (take my son swimming etc)
You’ll notice there’s no chest training, I sit at a desk all day and have managed to get rounded shoulders. Physio reckons I should stay of the chest exercises until I sort it. He’s also given me some posture tips that I’m implementing. I’m open to criticism here, if you think I can still hit chest without making it worse then I’m all ears.
I’ve got a nutritionist and track all my macros etc. I’m eating the following,
Breakfast -
Half a meal prepped Breakfast Burrito and a protein shake
443 calories
53g protein
16g fat
Morning Tea
Second half of meal prepped Breakfast Burrito
324 calories
29g protein
16g fat
Chicken breast, Kumara (sweet potato), 2 cups vegetables
850 calories
63g protein
12g fat
85g carbs
Afternoon tea (post training)
Protein shake with water
240 calories
25g protein
1g fat
34g carbs
Protein (chicken, steak, pork, salmon, cod), two cups veges, cup of carbs (rice, potato, Sweet potato)
Around 1000 calories
65g protein
12g fat
136g carbs
Before bed
2 pieces of fruit and a casein protein shake
300 calories
26g protein
2g fat
51g carbs
No alcohol or sugary drinks, I drink a fuck tonne of Coke no sugar though.
In the morning I take the following,
5g creatine (2 x 2.5g ON caps)
Men’s Multi
Fish oil cap
Protein powder (ON casein and whey, see diet)
L-Carnetine 3g
2 x Vit C chewable (my sons at daycare and always brings colds and shit home )
Apple cider vinegar chewables
Pre workout I take 2x scoops or Redcon 1 big noise (non stim, I lift in the afternoon / early evening and stims keep me up all night)
Before bed I take a magnesium supp.
I’ve got sleep apnea which I have a mask for. Sleeps pretty clean, get around 8-9 hours a night
Recently got some bloods done:
I’m right above the line of being testosterone deficient 13 nmol/L
Serum cortisol 216 nmol/L
TSH 1.2 mIU/L
ALT was high. 64 U/L
Urate was high. 48 mmol/L
Cholesterol was high 6.1 mmol/L
Triglycerides was high 4.0 mmol/L
Progesterone <1 nmol/L
Oestradiol 158 pmol/L
Everything else was normal ranges
**What I want to do **
I’m looking to speed this weight loss process up a bit and enhance my recovery. I’ve been having a look around and thought the following 12 week cycle would help me get to where I wanna be
Test E - 250mg a week total pinned twice. (Weeks 1-4)
Test E - 300mg a week total pinned twice
(Weeks 5-8)
Test E - 350mg a week total pinned twice
(Weeks 9-12)
Reason for increasing doses is that I’ve never done a cycle before, if I’m getting good results I’ll stay at a dose, if I’m not I’ll jump up. If sides start fucking me up I’ll drop back down
Anavar - 40mg a day. 12 weeks (oral)
I want to run Primo as well but there’s tonnes of conflicting info about when to run in the cycle and at what dosages. Any insight would be very much appreciated.
Start 3 weeks after last pin of test
HCG - 500iu (4 weeks)
Clomid / Nolva (4 weeks)
So there it is team. I’m open to any and all advice / criticisms / questions.
Looking forward to hearing from you guys!