My hand/knuckles got a little bashed up around 1.5 weeks ago. This incident did not occur from my boxing training, but an unrelated incident.
Anyways, my knuckles and meaty part of my outer hand below my pinky finger was really tight and stiff. The pain has basically all gone away now, but when i move my right index finger and both pinky in an exxagerated manner, i can still feel a slight bit of pain/discomfort (like a 2-3 out of 10 pain).
Do you think I am ready to go resume training and would putting sponges under my hand wraps help??
[quote]iron_addict wrote:
My hand/knuckles got a little bashed up around 1.5 weeks ago. This incident did not occur from my boxing training, but an unrelated incident.
Anyways, my knuckles and meaty part of my outer hand below my pinky finger was really tight and stiff. The pain has basically all gone away now, but when i move my right index finger and both pinky in an exxagerated manner, i can still feel a slight bit of pain/discomfort (like a 2-3 out of 10 pain).
Do you think I am ready to go resume training and would putting sponges under my hand wraps help??
I really want to get back in it![/quote]
Yea, you can use a sponge or a sock, and wrap it up in the handwrap to give you some extra padding. Also, if you’re worried about it, work on your technique or hand speed at the expense of your power for a session or two - don’t kill the bag, and give your hands a rest.
honestly, i cant recommend irish’s previous advice to me enough. taken from one of my previous threads, he said.
“Wrapping my hands differently. I used to go in between each knuckle, but very suddenly a couple years ago, that stopped working and I was getting intense pain. Now I just wrap around the hand - it lets me make a tight fist much better”
seriously, now, i can hit the heavy bag, hard, 4 times a week. 6+ rounds per time. not a single knuckle issue.
i bought an ice pack at the time and haven’t had to use it once.