[quote]TX T. wrote:
Yea why don’t we ask the master THE ** PHOENIX** what he would do?
Soon we’ll all be wearing ‘wwtpd’ like the livestrong bracelets.
[quote]TX T. wrote:
Yea why don’t we ask the master THE ** PHOENIX** what he would do?
Soon we’ll all be wearing ‘wwtpd’ like the livestrong bracelets.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
TX T. wrote:
Yea why don’t we ask the master THE ** PHOENIX** what he would do?
Soon we’ll all be wearing ‘wwtpd’ like the livestrong bracelets.[/quote]
LMAO, dont you mean the wwjd bracelets? not the yellow livestrong ones?
hey pal, do you play any sports in school? the reason i ask is that i am a high school wrestling coach. whenever one of my kids has some retard that wants to fight them i tell them to invite them to the wrestling room, and they can have at it. no punching or anything that is gonna get me fired, but it still really does allow kids to go at it and get it out of their systems. the offer has been taken up only once, and that time was not pretty for the kid that thought he wanted to fight. find real friends that give good advice. good luck
[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
Just act like you got this twitch… like the army did some experiment on you that just went terribly wrong…
“Just back up! Back up! Mind ya business that’s all, just mind ya business.”
(5 points for the reference…)[/quote]
Will smith on the fresh prince of belair
Man, honestly as someone earlier said, your situation sucks. I was fortunate not to grow up in a big city or go to a big high school where you more commonly find douche-bags like that.
It’s tough for you to realize the advice of “Be a bigger man and walk away” b/c of your youth. However, it is great advice and as you grow up you will begin to appreciate it more and more.
Here’s what I would do
If the guy hits you defend yourself. Kick his ass fair and square. I would like to imagine a situation where you get on top of him and continously punch him in the face. Hit him until he loses all desire to fight. Then ask him if he wants some more (say it out loud). MAKE HIM ANSWER YOU. Keep hitting him until he answers loud enough so everyone around can hear. This will make you look like a crazy MOFO and you will gain mad respect. I am not telling you to pursue a fight, but I am telling you to make the most of the situation if it happens.
Avoid him at all costs. Take alternate routes to class if you can, so you don?t have to pass him in the hallway. Just try to avoid him and his friends.
If you are ever hanging out w/ your friends, try to feel them out about how they feel about the situation. Throw this out there ?yea, I think those guys are going to jump me?. See how they respond. If some of them say they have your back, then just say ?thanks man?. Don?t openly question them b/c they might get defensive and turn on you as well, if they hang w/ the other punk. If no one responds as if they are going to help you, then expect no help if you get jumped. This would be a good test to see who is truly your friend and who isn’t.
If you think you are going to get jumped?RUN LIKE HELL!!! You may look like a pussy, but better to look like a pussy then look like a bitch eating your lunch through a fucking straw the rest of the school year.
Ok this is a tricky one b/c you could save yourself, but make yourself look like a bitch. Go to the principal and tell him what?s going on. Ask him not to confront the other kid. Just let him know what is going on, so if a fight does occur and you have to defend yourself you have kinda covered your ass. Like I said it?s tricky, but at least if a fight occurs the principal knows that you are not the one starting a fight.
MOST IMPORTANT!!! Hit the weight room hard, bulk up, and just look more intimidating than the other kids. You will be amazed how just being bigger will keep people from fucking w/ you.
Good luck
[quote]BrwnbellyYankee wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
TX T. wrote:
Yea why don’t we ask the master THE ** PHOENIX** what he would do?
Soon we’ll all be wearing ‘wwtpd’ like the livestrong bracelets.
LMAO, dont you mean the wwjd bracelets? not the yellow livestrong ones?[/quote]
I think I can dig out some old hair scrunchies mmmkkaayyy who wants yellow, red, or black. The power is in the hair scrunchies!!! You too can be pooowerful like the PHOOOOEENIIIXXXX The power from within…the hair scunchies.
[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
Just act like you got this twitch… like the army did some experiment on you that just went terribly wrong…
“Just back up! Back up! Mind ya business that’s all, just mind ya business.”
(5 points for the reference…)[/quote]
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, i win.
Good to see I’ve got some fellow Fresh Prince fans at T-Nation!
I couldn’t resist replying to this thread, because something the original poster said touches on something that bugs me a lot. Keep in mind, I was a skinny, nerdy, eccentric art dork from birth to, well, now. Lot’s of self esteem and self confidence issues cropped up from the way my peers treated me and threatened me. It drove me to working out, which was a great thing. The stupid thing, in hindsite, was that I thought being muscular meant I could beat up all the dicks that were picking on me. And the fact that all the harrassment petered out after I started working out didn’t help this notion (it was more or less that I was ignoring them more and I had gained self confidence, which made me less of a target). Thankfully, I never got into a fight to find out how wrong I was.
So, anyway, I’m taking the long route to explaining that just because you’re “way more built” than this kid doesn’t mean you could kick his ass. Lifting weights, having big muscles, etc. does not make you good at fighting. There’s a helluva lot more to throwing a punch than simply benching your bodyweight or having nice pecs.
This is just something that’s become a pet peeve of mine since I took up the martial arts a decade ago. I remember seeing somewhere online someone posted a picture of a rear double biceps pose with the caption (paraphrased) “just a look at what you’re going to have to deal with if you hit on my girl” or something. My reaction was “what, you’re going to oil yourself up and pose for the guy?”
Go to a boxing gym or an mma school if you want to know how to defend yourself. The weight room alone doesn’t cut it.
Take it easy,
Psyche yourself up and find this kid in the washroom. Elbows and knees are the best impact weapons.
Carry keys put the keyring in your hand and the keys out of your knuckles. Homemade knuckle cosh.
Then if you win go the principal and tell him the kid tried to assault you and you defended yourself. Make sure you really beat the piss out of him. It will send a good message.
If you don’t succed; try, try, try again.
[quote]tobywan wrote:
I couldn’t resist replying to this thread, because something the original poster said touches on something that bugs me a lot. Keep in mind, I was a skinny, nerdy, eccentric art dork from birth to, well, now. Lot’s of self esteem and self confidence issues cropped up from the way my peers treated me and threatened me. It drove me to working out, which was a great thing. The stupid thing, in hindsite, was that I thought being muscular meant I could beat up all the dicks that were picking on me. And the fact that all the harrassment petered out after I started working out didn’t help this notion (it was more or less that I was ignoring them more and I had gained self confidence, which made me less of a target). Thankfully, I never got into a fight to find out how wrong I was.
So, anyway, I’m taking the long route to explaining that just because you’re “way more built” than this kid doesn’t mean you could kick his ass. Lifting weights, having big muscles, etc. does not make you good at fighting. There’s a helluva lot more to throwing a punch than simply benching your bodyweight or having nice pecs.
This is just something that’s become a pet peeve of mine since I took up the martial arts a decade ago. I remember seeing somewhere online someone posted a picture of a rear double biceps pose with the caption (paraphrased) “just a look at what you’re going to have to deal with if you hit on my girl” or something. My reaction was “what, you’re going to oil yourself up and pose for the guy?”
Go to a boxing gym or an mma school if you want to know how to defend yourself. The weight room alone doesn’t cut it.
Take it easy,
well said, however size and strength go a long way in helping you win.
I had the same situation in high school. I used to fight full contact and teach martial arts. This one guy thought he was hot shit and would try to pick fights with me in the hallways. I ran into him at one of my friends houses, and tried to talk to him and let it go. He wouldn’t. I was a little intoxicated, so I knocked him out cold. I’m not proud of it at all. There is no honor in beating up on the weak.
After this I had all his friends trying to pick fights. I had to avoid places and events. Now at 25, I’m a personal trainer, 3rd Dan Black Belt in goju ryu, and 2nd Dan in Tae Kwon Do, and very happy with myself. Try to pity these people. They will never be anything, and you will.
May the Phoenix be with you.
your problem is very true and relevant. being in college now, like posted earlier, it only gets worse. everyone drinks and grows a set of beer balls and think they are tough shit. its awful too when you go to a rich school with all these popped collars running around talking shit and you can’t do anything because they’re daddy will sue you to death. growing up i was always the smallest kid and used to get bullied/picked on all the time. i started lifted when i was 14 and took fighting classes with my uncle (he’s a professional MMA fighter…could have been really really good but started way too late, he’s 45
he’s supposedly fighting in King of the Cage on June 17th on PPV, but his elbow has been bothering him).
anyways, when i was 4 years ago when i was 15 me and my buddies were fooling around in one of their backyards, like backyard boxing and shit. this douchebag that wanted to fight me shows up and says hes goin to whoop my ass (no gloves or head-gear). it wasn’t the first time someone tried to fight me or the first fight i had ever been in but i didn’t want to. he tried pushing me and shit and ripped the tank top i was wearing when trying to throw me on the ground. he wouldn’t get out of my face. finally i had enough and i sucker punched him and knocked him out (not with the punch, he fell and i kneed him in the head after).
it was all on video-taped but the whole fight was lost. my buddy had the last punch in a clip on his computer though because he was “making a stupid video at the time.” about 2 months ago he emails me this corny ass video that he edited as a highlight type thing and sent it into Break.com and won $100 (i didn’t see a penny from it…haha). anyways here is the corny ass video, it’s funny as hell though. but this is my recommendation for a punk like the kid you are talking about. i just loaded the clip on youtube for your enjoyment/laughter.
and yes i am half arab, hence the whole arab hulk thing. i am also half italian and look it thank God. i usually deny my arabness but will not in this case for the sake of clarity…
Posted a video of himself taking a pussy cheap shot at someone who was there to actually fight him straight up.
4 years ago.
In 1987.
This might not be what you need to hear.
But when me and my (younger) brother were in HS I was in 12th and he was in 9th. I was bigger than most in the senior class and still had a reputation from a baaaaaad fight 2 years ago where I flipped a lunch table on a guy.
Most people who didn’t like me or wanted to start something would pick on my brother. This kept going on and the school administration “couldnt do anything” about it so I took it into my own hands.
My brother lured the 2 main instigators into the library (That was located just off school property) bathroom where I was waiting in a stall.
I was then known for two bad fights.
My brother never had a problem again.
The moral of the story is: part of being a man is making your own choices about things. But you also have to be ready to stand by those choices and face any consequences.
nah the video camera said 1987, don’t really know why…guess it’s one of those things where if you don’t reset the time or whatever.
also, you saying it was a “pussy cheap shot” makes you a pussy, in my eyes. i was posting the video in light of the conversation to get some laughs and u have to be the first tough-guy/dickhead to throw that out, glad you got it over with.
and as far as the actual punch goes. i was trying to be the bigger man and the kid kept gettin in my face saying “hit me, hit me, i dare you, you pussy, etc.” so i fucking hit him. never tried to fight me after that.
[quote]4est wrote:
A lot of good advice has already been given. If it does go down… watch your back.
The guy in that video is an idiot who couldn’t fight for crap and could have ended up dead if any of the others were armed. His strikes, grappling, positioning and tactics were all incompetant so lucky he was fighting a bunch of nerds who knew even less, who ironically despite being obvious nerds didn’t even seemed phased by anything he did. Amazing how stupid some people are, he didn’t even look drunk.
To the original poster, this guy isn’t going to stop whether it is with you or someone else, the only way to get him to change what he does is to get him to realise he doesn’t have to prove himself, it seems like he is looking for a reputation. It would be better and more noble to fight him and not beat him too bad, and then give him some credit as an OK fighter and OK fellow, even if he isn’t. This is not really something you should have to do, though. But if you intimidated him away, or beat him up, you know what he might do? Knife you in the back, shoot you, or more mildly, go and beat up someone else. Even if you don’t fight him he will probably turn on someone else.
Someone should intervene, really it should be the school, not you.
The wrestling match idea was a good one, but again, what this guy needs is some self respect, and either you teach it to him because you are one rare noble gentlemen, or the school builds it into him, which it isn’t, coz school systems suck arse these days.
Part of the problem also is that he probably hasn’t fully grown, and is intimidated by the guys around him who have already grown.
It is a sad state of affairs and like I said it should not be your responsibility.
Another way is to ask him to show you what he can do on a punching bag, go to the gym, he shows his moves / hits the bag, you show yours etc… that might calm things down. Especially if you give him some credit and say “not bad” … he can then back out gracefully from any real fight which he might want to do if he sees that you are in fact a lot stronger and more competant.
Basically you need to make him not want to fight anyone, not need to fight anyone, give him a way to back out / head in a direction that gives him what he wants - street cred. or toughness reputation, without him being a jerk.
It is a tough thing to do. It should be the school doing it. OR his parents. But in the absence of that, people turn to gangs/groups of friends to earn that status.
I also think it is a lot worse in USA with the enormous schools you have, compared to other countries or places where school population is low.
Anyway good luck.
Your dad is right in not wanting you to be a fighter / troubleseeker however it is your call and the consequences can be really shite. IF you do fight the controlled environment is a great idea, fight like gentlemen, wrestle, or box with headgear/gloves or something.
Kick the shit out of the boy, then when you come home do the same with yor dad, if he gives you trouble, run for it.