This is something i have been thinking about a lot lately, it’s also one of the reasons i like this site more than most sites because theres a lot of stuff i haven’t thought about.
how do you really learn what works best for you? i often see people say something like “i gained 15lb. doing this” or something similar, but in that case it’s probably the diet.
for strength i can understand easily seeing what gives you the best results. but as far as hypertrophy how do you distinguish what the factor is that works?
i’ve been training/dieting for a little over 2 years and so far i know with diet i react better to lower carbs, i also do better with some time of carb manipulation. with cardio HIIT seems good for me for the most part. but thats about it. as far as training i really couldnt say “i know high volume moderate intensity works best” or “low volume high intensity gives me the best gains”, because even if i did gain a lot of weight thats mainly my diet.
so how do all of you guys see whats the best for muscle gain for you? i know theres no best thing but i often see people find things that give them their best results.