Finding it Extremely Hard to Shed the Last 5-6 Kilos

hey guys!!

so just the basic stuff first, i am now down to 91.5 kilos, and just want to shed the last bit of flab. im not too sure about my bodyfat percentage, but when i measure it with a caliper i get to about 14-15 % everytime. i can clearly see the two upper squares of my abs, but i have the same problem as most people though, with the last bit.

my stats are: height: 6 feet weight: 201 pounds and like stated before bf: 14-15%

training routine is fullbody workouts on monday, wednesday and friday. plus HIIT on thursdays and saturdays.

right now im carbcycling (have been going very low carb before but it just didn’t work, as i didn’t shift any weight and was lethargic from morning to evening)

i maintain 350 grams of protein every day (split in 6 meals and shakes), 33-40 grams of fat.
on high carb days i have 340 grams of carbs, moderate carb days are 270 and low carb is 200.

my day would look like this:
breakfast: a piece of fruit, yoghurt and then the amount of oats that fits into my carbs for the day.(25% of my carbs for the day in the morning)
postworkout: proteinshake (i do a mix of casein and protein isolate), creatine, and dextrose (again, amount depends if it is low, high or moderate carb day, but 50% of the carbs for the day is in this shake)
lunch: lean meat, wholegrain couscous/rice with a bit of veg (the remaining 25% of the carbs for the day come in here)
snack: proteinshake with about 10 grams of fat from fish oils
dinner: lean meat with lots of veg, plus a source of healthy fat (i dont cook in fat so i eat that on the side)
before bed: either low fat cheese, or a proteinshake with some fish oils

any thoughts on this diet? i just cant seem to make the last bit go away though. i have been training since i was 15 so my lifts are good (i focus on form when i train though. so i do 1 second on the positive phase in my lifts and 3 seconds on the negative. i have found this to give me a better pump than the normal 1 up 1 down).

i was 92 kilos when i started carb cycling and shot down to 91.5 within the first days of it, but kinda stopped there. have not been doing it for long however. and also my weight can fluctate from 91.3 to 92, but im guessing that is water levels dropping and surging depending on how much carbs i have.

thanks for your insight!!

1: Define ‘good’ lifts.
2: Why do you train full body? This leaves you at 3 days in the gym per week, just splitting the body up into a classic three-way and getting in the gym 6 days a week could help tremendously.
3:Way.Too.Much.Carbs.For.Your.Weight.And too much protein. Hell, just too many calories. If you truly are 15% bodyfat, consider that your lean mass is 76.5 kg, meaning that on high days, you get 4.4xlean bodyweight in carbs per day. You also get 4.4xlean bodyweight in protein, and 3520 kcal a day, which is 46 kcal pr kg lean bodyweight…Not cutting numbers.

More sensible for you would be:
60 g of carbs directly before workouts with 30 g of protein before and after training
60-80 g of fat a day depending on carb intake
and very little carbs outside of PWO.

You are also very light already for your height and bodyfat, but ahrd to tell by ythe stats you post, if they’re accurate and so on, so lifts would help in that regard.

Bottom line, you could probably cut 100 g of protein and 100 g of cabrs a day and drop fat fast without losing muscle.

when i say good lifting i mean strict form basically.

the thing is with me, i found my body just adapts to my calorie level really fast, so i put the high carb days up that much just to make sure my metabolism is stoked.

i train full body just cus that will get all my muscle groups worked in one workout and to me it makes sense that the body will use more calories fixing the whole body rather than a musclegroup at a time. but what do u suggest as far as a workout split goes though?

so so u think i can lower my protein intake though? im pretty much just doing 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. plus a bit more.

and also, do u think carb cycling ia a good idea at all?

1.5 per pound of bodyweight is good and all, but excessive for most. especially when dieting. Consider Waylanderxx on this site, he’s a monster an diets with good results with under 300 g of protein a day, which for him is nowhere near 1.5 pr lb, more like 1. With the training you’re doing when dieting, your body doesn’t need heaps of amino acids, about 80 g for physiological functions and the rest is basically how much you damage you body with training, which you can control.

Total Body Training does not burn significantly more calories, no. In any case, you’re chasing two birds with one stone here, using the bodybuilding work to burn calories and fat…Which it will, but 3x a week for one hours, you’re burning 1500 kcal tops, less than a kg in a month.

A sample split that has worked great for me and others is:

1:Push , Chest, shoulders, triceps
2:Pull , back, Biceps
3:Legs, abs, calves

This way, you can train each bodypart once or twice a week depending on how you recover, and take rest days as needed.

For your fat burning you rely on diet and some cardio, so for you that would leave you at a BMR of around 2200.

Now, with the amount of fat you have, I don’t see the need to stay over 3000 kcal a day, and maybe even go as far down as 2300, the macros being something like:

250g protein, 1000 kcal ( 1.5 per poound of lean mass, you don’t need grams of protein for your belly)
100 g carbs around workouts, 400 kcal
100 g fat with protein/fat meals, 900 kcal

On that plan, I promise you you will lose weight, mostly fat. During the last 6 months I’ve trained just about every day under a huge caloric deficit, gotten in my energy around training, and had great results. Great, as in lost 25 kg in 6 months.

okay, makes sense dude. thanks!! do u find u have problems with ur energy levels on low carbs though? thats probably my major problem, i get tired beyond belief if i eat low carb. but will try it though.

but one thing i would like ur opinion on is the carb cycling itself… if its one thing i am sure about, it is the fact that my body adopts to my caloric intake in a very short amount of time. (i say this simply cus i’ve been testing it for quite a while).

thanks for all your insight!! will try a 3-split training plan, and will swap my diet around a bit.

thanks alot dude!!!