5 Years Progress

My journey has been 5 years going from 105kg to 84kg.

The last layers of BF are stuck and I’m struggling to shift them. I workout 5 times a week and then hike/cycle or kayak 3/4 times a week also. I eat well, high protein low
Fat and carbs.

Any advice? Do I need to shake it up?


Outstanding progress to date, my man! Very well done.

It always gets harder as we get further along. We’ll need a little more detail to offer any real help:

  1. What exactly are you eating?
  2. What’s the goal?
  3. That’s 9 workouts a week - what do they look like?
  4. How long have you been stuck?

I eat 200g of protein a day from lean meat, Greek yoghurt, whey protein. This makes about 45% of my day. The rest is veg, salad and limited carbs namely in the form of oats, beans and some sourdough.

The goal is to look as ripped as I can. Rid the last bit of belly fat and look toned

I do PPL. Heavy at the start of the week, pushing myself as hard as I can. Lower reps. The last two workouts are PP lower weight, higher rep and squeezing to failure.

The other workouts are 10k moderate hikes, an hour of kayaking in the sea or an hours moderate mountain biking.

Thank you for the comments. It means a lot!

Have you tried keto or a variant with higher protein as a percentage of total kcals?

The other option is of course lower fat (which does not work well for me).

My approach was and still is to strip off all the fat (Phase 1) then add back the muscle smart and slow (Phase 2). 10 years running. That requires you to get smaller before you get bigger.

Would be worthwhile to determine if you have the keto genes or if higher carbs /lower fats works better for you.

Either way you will run a kcal deficit to strip that last bit of fat. That is not conducive to gaining muscle and I am ignoring use of any drugs in this discussion. Awfully helpful in Phase 2 when adding muscle with minimal fat.

Awesome awesome job on your journey!!!

Would need a food log or a breakdown of kcals by macronutrient to help more. Next phase would be to bring out the vascularity.

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Sorry I’m running a little behind today.

Do you eat the same thing every day or count calories/ portions or another means of control? Some more specifics would help.

I’d likely reduce your lifting. That’s a lot on top of your cardio and a weight loss goal. If you love doing that much, even just going PPL and then reducing those last two to a whole upper body pump day might reduce some stressors.

If you like doing that much cardio, I don’t think there’s an issue. For a lot of folks, though, I find we can reduce cardio and thus reduce calories and they respond a little better. I’m at a point in life where, if I could be outside that much, I would… your preference, I guess is my point.

When you say you’ve stalled, what do you mean? Like your weight hasn’t budged in a week or 3 months?

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This is a nice list of things to eat, but it may be more helpful if you lay out a days eating and whether or nor it is the same every ? Are you tracking your food, do you use a food diary ? How many calories per day ?