What’s up T-Men??? I was considering ordering some finaplix in the mail and was wondering if it is safe to order? Meaning if it will be intercepted? The place that sells it is in my town but I was told it was better to order it in the mail and not try and go to the supply house to pick it up. I am going to take the finaplix with some androsol (as per the formula in T-Mag issue#4). I was wondering if anyone has taken this cycle before and results?? Any help is greatly appreciated…

Fina is perfectly legal, it is very odd that you would get caught. If you did get caught the authorities would have to prove that you were going to use it in a human not a steer. I suggest you get a shirt that says " God, I love breedin’ cattle!" This way no one will suspect you. Boooooohahahaha!!!