As I understand it, the tren-cough is either a result of the tren-acetate causing a reaction with the lungs itself, or some other agent causing said reaction. I believe it’s probably not the tren itself, since it’s bound to an acetate ester and the cough happens about 15 minutes after. I believe it may be impurities in the injectible itself, since I have been unable to find any studies which document an interaction between tren ace and the lungs. I have used Pharma tren (which was perhaps fake/underdosed) and QV Tren and have not had the cough, although I never did more than a 75mg shot.
I believe the “sweats” could be a mild allergic reaction to the trenbolone or to impurities/contaminants, similar to equipoise flu. It may also be an interaction between tren and the adrenal system… does it subside? I haven’t seen any consistent reports about it. I have never had it myself…
Using the cyclodextrin could help with either if the sides are coused by impurities in the injectable. It would mean that you had none and therefore no cough and no sweats. Also, you can only take about 25mg at a time, so you’d need to have 3-4 poppers a day if your’e a big boy - and that spreads out the dose which may mean lower sides as well. Lastly, there are no wories with sterility related issues since you don’t have to shoot. Not to mention that 250g of HPBCD from 1fast400 is cheaper than vials and Whatman filters. And did I mention that you don’t have to shoot?
Oh, it’s only about 80-90% efficient at delivery, but then the same applies to a depo injectible, I guess so it could actually be more effective than an injectible.
Mind you, this would only work with lipophylised/esterified hormones with a total molecular weight of less than about 400. So we’d be talking about:
1-Testosterone THP ether.
Any “oral” prohormone powder.
Any 17-Alpha Alkylated Powder
Any base hormone
test base,
bold base,
Short esters:
test ace,
test prop,
tren ace,
nandrolone phenylprop (maybe),
bold ace,
I’m just itching to get my hands on some stuff to play with. I’m thinking of using pellets to get some test prop and tren ace and making a “monster popper” with the following blend
10% 1-Testosterone tetrahydropropranyl ether
25% Trenbolone Acetate
60% Testosterone Propionate
5% Formestane
Essentially, dry-test with a kick-ass high-androgen component which should get them sattelite cells proliferating like it’s no ones business. Pop this mofo around your workouts (assuming you do 2-a-days)
1 popper 1hr before
1 popper during
1 popper after
perhaps I’ll do an after popper without the 1-test, or for when you do 1-a-days. Or maybe just pop the same thing… ahhh… the options are endless!