Need some more advice for a possible first cycle…
My original post for a first cycle involved a Aratest (200mg enanthate, 50mg prop./mL) and Deca (300mg/mL) stack.
It was originally planned to be 1mL of Deca per week and 1 mL of Aratest every 4-5 days.
OK, well, my source for this cycle fell through. When we got the box, one bottle was broken, one was half full, and the Deca looked like 50mg/mL.
So, I’m researching some other sources and cycles.
I think I am going to do a Test & Tren cycle. But the only tren I can find is Finaplix.
If I do the conversion myself, (which I’ve never done before), it would be a very cheap cycle.
Does anyone have any experience with converting Fina pellets into injectable TA???
Were there any side effects (other than the usual), irritations, rashes, etc???How about results?
I have read about several sites selling the conversion kits. I have also read about the transdermal Fina kits. Not sure about how valid these are, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.