Finaplix conversion

Need some more advice for a possible first cycle…

My original post for a first cycle involved a Aratest (200mg enanthate, 50mg prop./mL) and Deca (300mg/mL) stack.
It was originally planned to be 1mL of Deca per week and 1 mL of Aratest every 4-5 days.

OK, well, my source for this cycle fell through. When we got the box, one bottle was broken, one was half full, and the Deca looked like 50mg/mL.

So, I’m researching some other sources and cycles.
I think I am going to do a Test & Tren cycle. But the only tren I can find is Finaplix.

If I do the conversion myself, (which I’ve never done before), it would be a very cheap cycle.

Does anyone have any experience with converting Fina pellets into injectable TA???
Were there any side effects (other than the usual), irritations, rashes, etc???How about results?

I have read about several sites selling the conversion kits. I have also read about the transdermal Fina kits. Not sure about how valid these are, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

use the search function for t-forums, there is tons of good info in the forum archives.

Oh and stay away from - their repution for sending product after recieving your money ain’t to great if yah know what I mean!

The only proper way to use finaplix implants is i.m injection. The dmso lotions are not effective at all, the absorption is way too low. Snorting crushed pellets is about as stupid as it sounds too. Anabolex has a forum dedicated to fina conversion, however, no-one there will recommend tren during a first cycle.