I started lifting two years or so ago, when I was sixteen, but it was the usual curl and bench routine. About 6 months ago, I figure out that I was being an idiot and started lifting properly, but focused too much on cutting. Last month, I got tired of being weak, and started to eat a lot, and lift heavy. I started benching 160(pounds), dead lifting 300, and squatting 260. Yesterday I squatted 370 (yes below parallel) and I benched 220. Tomorrow I’m going to try and DL 380, my last attempt, I got stuck at 350. I’m 5’9, about 175 pounds. My goal is total 1000 lbs for the three lifts. Anyways, for all the other newbies out there, eating a lot, certainly helps.
Um, thats pretty awesome. So you have made most of your big gains in the past 6 months … is that what you are telling us? Shit, if you just “started” deadlifting with 300 and squatting 260, then I don’t even know what to say … other than awesome. Though I am not sure what the purpose of this post was, seems more like a comment than a question
[quote]njrusmc wrote:
Um, thats pretty awesome. So you have made most of your big gains in the past 6 months … is that what you are telling us? Shit, if you just “started” deadlifting with 300 and squatting 260, then I don’t even know what to say … other than awesome. Though I am not sure what the purpose of this post was, seems more like a comment than a question :)[/quote]
I have made most of my gains in the past six months, yes. But I worded that rather poorly I realize, by “started” I mean that was what I was at when I decided to focus on getting my lifts up. Before that, I was stuck in the “I want to see my abs” phase. Also, the post was more because I was happy that about myself, and looking for some internet gratification(sarcasm).
Those numbers were from a month ago, when I started a modified one lift a day program.
Man, it’s posts like this that make me wanna quit cutting and start eating like a man again.
<sighs, reaches for hamburger but stops halfway, looks at the floor, cries a little inside, and goes back to reading the forum>
Eating like a man is a lot harder than cutting I think, a lot more expensive too.
But a whole fuck ton more fun.
That is true, especially when friends comment about how much you eat, and why you’re not fat.
lol true
[quote]blaine.denton wrote:
Eating like a man is a lot harder than cutting I think, a lot more expensive too.[/quote]
Cutting comfortably can be expensive too. Think veggies. Lots and lots of veggies.
Although… man, I don’t spend NEARLY what a lot of guys on this site do. Over in the T-Cell, there’s some dudes dropping over $100/week on groceries for one. Which is incredible. I’m dropping about $50, $60 if you include supps (okay, maybe $65-70). I can only imagine how well I would be eating if I dropped a bill on groceries each week.
I intend to find out in September.
Yeah, although I’ve always found it easier to eat less, and haven’t really bothered with eating A LOT of veggies.
I’m not looking forward to having to bother with groceries, although I have at least another year since I’ll be dorming, and I’ll have unlimited meals at my cafeteria, which hopefully will have decent food. The top 100 list for the Biotest store is ridiculous though, I wish I had that much spare cash for supplements