Feedback: Progress Made Under Dr Dardens HIT

Dr Darden,

Having made a bioimpedance reading today, and compared it with the august 2020 measurements, it seems I have made some progress, proving that your HIT works for me! See attached document for details. And btw, I am 46 years old with a length of 179 cm.

In august I started with the 30-10-30 routine, that lasted for 6 weeks. Then followed a 2-3 week routine of 30-30-30. Since about 2-3 weeks I have been under the combinated routine of normal, 30-30-30 and 30-10-30 (described in this and another thread).

Prior to this I discovered “The new HIT” book in february, and have thus been under normal protocol february-august 2020. Before that I was merely into crossfit and high volume training, actively since august 2019. I think my starting bodyweight was about 81 kg in august 2019, and up to about 84 kg in february 2020 (before HIT) which makes it even more interesting.

Living my usual stressful daily life, I am careful with meals, and sleep too little. No changes in these routines over this period of time.

I wonder where my genetic limitations

will put an end to progress?



A quick glance at your before-and-after numbers reveals that you’ve increased your muscle mass by approximately 6 pounds in 12 weeks. That’s an average of 1/2 pound of muscle gained during each week. At your age, that would put you in the middle range of some of my group trainees.

I believe you should continue with your routines for another 12 weeks and then do another assessment.

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Thank you for sharing your experience ESPECIALLY with proof.
I appreciate this so much.
And congratulations on your achievement, really.

Show off.

In all seriousness, this kind of thread seems like a fantastic idea. I’d love to see more people chiming in with these things.


Yes, exactelly what I wanted to say, but english is not my first language so sometimes(well pretty much always) I find it hard to express everything I want to say.
Can we start a thread with personal experiences with HIT?

Thanks Dr Darden,

I forgot to mention that my progress corresponds with strength increases, as you have stated in your books. Strength gains precedes growth. You read my mind re follow-up. I have already scheduled for another bioimpedance measurement in febrary 2021. “I’ll be back” then…

Thanks Hogar! If my efforts can be of any inspiration, I find that positive. That being said, I only compete with myself (don’t we all? Oneself, that is).

Dagill2: LOL! If you would have met me in person, I doubt you would consider this a “show off”… Honestly, I started this thread because I am interested in others progress (in order to inspire myself to further progress). The point is that this HIT thing actually works better than high volume training - and this is my way of supporting that statement. I made similar progress during 6 years of HVT (late 90ties) that I have accomplished now in 6-12 months! That is what I call significance! Please add your own progression in this thread.


What does your current diet look like?

Hi JT,

I aim for approx 3500 cal/day with a focus on carbohydrates, that probably make out about 60-70% of my diet. If you ingest that amount of food, the protein will follow. I try to avoid fat, but use good vegetable oils in cooking as well as low fat butter on the occasional sandwich.

I make sure to have at least three meals daily: A steady breakfast (mostly grain based) + nutritious lunch and a large dinner. A varied diet incl vegetarian. Avoiding fried food. Aim for two smaller meals in between if possible (fruit, sandwich) and finally an evening meal (pasta!). On training days (twice weekly) I add a postworkout shake (with a good carbohydrate such as Vitargo). End up with 5-8 meals in total.

In the 90ties I was obsessed with diet/calories (and protein intake) which of course was wasted energy in many ways.

And do you have any pictures of your progress, or the final result?

Dam I’d really like to have one of those tests done. Where can I get a bioimpedance measurement device & are they accurate?

Hi again Hogar,

I was wondering when this question would come… :wink:

Unf, I do not have any photos of me posing in my posession - yet. I was thinking about having a couple taken before, but I’m a bit too modest/humble for that, to be honest. Maybe I will ask a friend at the gym when the opportunity appears, we’ll see - but I wouldn’t wanna make any promises.

Here in Sweden they provide bioimpedance tests at several gyms. I had my test at work (work in a health facility in the medical field). I consider bioimpedance to be of average specificity, not an exact science - merely a hint of where you stand. To be accurate you need to be lowered into a water tank in a specific device, hydrostatic weighing, or use air in a similar fashion called bod pod technique (clinical physiologists use them for their science).

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Nice progress.
Looking forward to seeing more updates.

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Hey, thank you. Yes, I was more interested in your actual state.
Also, wanted to ask, since I am not sure if I understood correctly…the routine you followed in last 3 months is the one described in Dr. Dardens article here on T-nation Growth explosion:30-10-30?

During the past 6 months i used Dr Darden’s 30-10-30 for 3 months initially. Then I used the 30-30-30 regime for a couple of weeks.

Since then, for the past 3 weeks, I am shifting between 30-10-30, 30-30-30 and normal in a cycle, two times a week.

@pettersson, @dagill2 was joking, implying you were giving dick length.

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I was, I’m mature like that.

In all seriousness though, i’m always interested in seeing peoples results from training. It is, after all, why we’re all here.

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@dagill2 funny how no one has photographs. Big talkers it would seem.

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Taking half naked photos of yourself to post to strangers online is a big step for people to take it they aren’t used to it. I’m not going to judge anyone for not wanting to do that.


It’s not hard to leave your face out of it or cover it. Maybe I’m weird but I find it ofd when people don’t want to post pictures. :man_shrugging: