Hey, I’m a short time lurker here and I was hoping for some feedback on a new training program I put together, any comments, criticism or ideas are appreciated.
I’m 16, 190lbs, 6’1", ~15% body fat training for around 8 months altogether with a 2 month break.
Please bear in mind this is for CUTTING, with minimal strength loss, I don’t want that “bulk or go home shit…” either, thanks.
I’ll throw a drop set in here or there if I want to boost up the intensity after a few weeks.
Day 1 Chest / delts
Bench Press 20,10,8,8,6,4
Arnold press 6-8x4
Dumbbell decline press 6-8x4
Lateral raises 8-10x3
Pullovers 8-10x3
Reverse flys 8-10x3
Cable crossovers 10-12x3
Day 2 Back / traps
Deadlifts 10,6,6,4,2
Smithy shrugs 8-10x3
Wide grip pullups failurex3
behind back shrugs 10-12x3
T-bar / bent over rows (alternate) 10-12x3
one arm rows 6-8x3
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Legs/abs
Squats 20,10,6,6,4
Dumbbell lunges 8-10x3
SLDLs 10,6,6,4
Leg extension 6-8x3
Leg press 15-20x3 (No plate loaded leg press, heaviest weight)
Swiss ball weighted sit ups to failure x2 8-10
Weighted leg raises 10
Medicine ball oblique twist 20
Day 5 Arms
Seated hammer curls 20, 10-12x3
Standing EZ bar curls 6-8x3
Concentration curls 6-8x3
10kg weighted Dips to failure x2
Skullcrushers 6-8x3
CGBP 10-12x3
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Hiit/cardio
10am 718cal
1 scoop ON whey /w water
1 pint semi skimmed milk
1tbsp peanut butter on 1 slice wholemeal toast
1 orange/banana
Multi vit
3x 1000mg fish oil
1pm 410cal
1 scoop ON whey /w water
1 banana
1/2 cup oats
3pm 500cal
5egg white 2yolk omelette /w mushrooms onions + cheese
1 pear/apple
1/2 pint semi skimmed milk
6pm 700cal
Meal with family…
normally good protein content with lots of green veg, carrots, peas etc
3x1000mg fish oil
9pm 300cal
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 pint milk
1 tin tuna /w light mayo
I want to try cycling creatine, after not noticing much difference on constant maintenance, when would be the best times to take it over the day?