Feedback on My Wife's Program?

I usually train for size and strength and usually off powerlifting or similar methods, but my wife wants to lose weight but getting stronger would be nice for her. Ideally I want her to get strong enough to be able to spot me, wrap me, and load/rerack weights by herself (she can barely carry the 45s)

She likes to do spinning, and I don’t want to take that out of her schedule,so she does that 2x a week.
The other days of the week, I’d like her to do weight training, and pilates if she can hop in the class in time.

I’ve had her do 10x10 stuff and she likes it because of the cardio, and her squat form is better than most of the men at her gym:
Day 1:
10x10 Squat - with the idea of adding weight overtime across all sets
10x10 lat pulldown - she’s self conscious about growing her traps, so Im having her focus on scapular depression before pulling down and she said it’s become harder
4x8-12 Cuban press (super light, like 5-8lbs)
Dumbbell RDL 5x10 focusing on the stretch and bracing (she doesnt like regular barbell deadlifts)
Finisher: 4x20 KB Swing with 10 deep breathing planks (found this in an article but forgot it)
And then the Pilates class is she can do it

10x10 Squat - again because she likes it
100 Rep KB Gorilla Row or DB Renegade Row in any breakdown of sets
DB Bench 4x8-12
Dumbbell RDL 5x10 again
Finisher: 4x20 KB Swing with 10 deep breathing planks (found this in an article but forgot it)

Is there anything that I would be missing out on?

This looks pretty good man. I don’t think you are missing out on anything.

I have my wife on a 4 day split right now that goes like this. She doesn’t like the barbell right now so we working out at our old apartment gym where the DB go up to 50lbs only.

Goblet Squat - 5x10-20
DB RDL - 5x10-20
Lunges - 50-100
Abs - 50 in however any sets it takes
Rower - 20 minutes

DB OH Press - 5x8-12 (ss: Cable Row - 5x8-12)
TRX Row - 5x15 (ss: Wall Push Ups - 5x15)
DB Curls - 5x15 (ss: Face Pulls - 5x15)
Rower - 20 minutes

Goblet Squat - 5x10-20
DB RDL - 5x10-20
Lunges - 50-100
Abs - 50 in however any sets it takes
Rower - 20 minutes

DB Bench Press - 5x8-12 (ss: Cable Row - 5x8-12)
TRX Row - 5x15 (ss: Wall Push Ups - 5x15)
DB Curls - 5x15 (ss: Face Pulls - 5x15)
Rower - 20 minutes

She’s getting stronger, losing weight, and enjoying the process! I think keeping it simple until SHE wants to do something more makes sense.


Haha,looks like the same amount of volume when it comes to the Goblet Squats

SHe’s only loading like 55-65 on the bar for these 10x10 sets. Wish I could show her some TRX stuff. Rower’s not a bad idea since I know she likes that.

My wife also hates facepulls. I forgot to put them in this post, but I try to have her do those first thing because she most likely won’t. Really want to incorporate Lunges but I think she’s too tight for it. Her knees just dont land right.

Looks legit. I don’t know if your wife has considered deadlifting, but it could be worth a shot to throw that in somewhere.

Also, if your wife still has regular monthly cycles, I’d morph her training around that.
Pretty much every single bit of my training revolves around my cycles since they can make or break a good day or even week of training.

Factor in deloads during menstruation. Her prime time to really reap the gains benefits is during the follicular phase. Luteal phase is when the spin and Pilates classes will help with weight management. On up to the actual bleeding, just go lighter and make room for proper deloads.

In regular speak lol: first week and half or so, go hard, be consistent up volume and weight if she feels up to it, around second week ease up on weight and volume, during menstruation focus on Pilates or Spin Classes, whatever she wants, after menstruation, ramp it up again.

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Looks good to me mate. Anything will work if she’s new to it and better than doing nothing.
I’ve got my Mrs on a PPL setup, she loves it and has made great improvements in strength and body comp.

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I seen an article here about that, def worth a try

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