Favorite Back Exercise?

What are your favorite back building exercises?

Uh deadlift prob be common answer so I’ll say, bent over barbell rows, and dumbbell rows-basically the same in my opinion-

[quote]shizen wrote:
Uh deadlift prob be common answer so I’ll say, bent over barbell rows, and dumbbell rows-basically the same in my opinion- [/quote]

I was going to type something and then I saw your avatar and my mind went blank. What was the question again? Oh yeah, back exercises. Deadlift, Chin, and Bent row. If anyone says the lat pulldown I say Pussy!

chin ups

Pullups and deadlift.

Deadlift (duh), power snatch, power clean, chins, BB rows.

[quote]deanosumo wrote:
shizen wrote:
Uh deadlift prob be common answer so I’ll say, bent over barbell rows, and dumbbell rows-basically the same in my opinion-

I was going to type something and then I saw your avatar and my mind went blank. What was the question again? Oh yeah, back exercises. Deadlift, Chin, and Bent row. If anyone says the lat pulldown I say Pussy!

Lat pulldowns definitely have their use in a bodybuilding program. But they shouldn’t be the main exercise of course! :wink:

I’ll be in the vast minority that doesn’t suggest the DL as the ultimate back movement. Lots of potential for ego abuse, poor form, etc. I’m also biased by having 4 herniated discs, but still do DL variations a good percentage of the time.
In my case, any type of compound free weight rowing movement gives me the most bang for my buck.

Bentover rowing with barbell or dumbells, one arm db rows, T-bar, etc.
Eons ago, when I lived at home, I used to lie over a decline bench, head facing towards the lower end and would row two heavy dumbells. Highly effective exercise, but in a commercial gym you’ll look like a moron performing it!

Deadlift, without question.

With a pause at the top, I can feel it all the way up to my rhomboids and trapezius, right across the scapula.

Sometimes I’ll decrease the weight, and then do a burn-out set where I don’t lower the plates all the way to the ground. This seems to target the teres major really well, better than any pull-up.

All this from an exercise intended for the spinal erectors and glutes, along with the hams and calves. Deadlift is the king of the back!

I would also say pull-ups and heavy lockouts pulls in the rack!

Pull ups/Chin ups.

lat pulldowns with great form. letting it stretch at the top for a second or two. feels great!

Bent over BB rows

T-Bar Row is good and straight arm pull downs @ the lat station, works well superset right after chins or pullups.

Hyper Extensions…just kidding.

Like many others, I have a love of the pullup. Only for me, it’s a newfound love. I never realized how awesome pullups were until like 2 weeks ago.

My favorites are rack pulls, T-bar rows, and Waterbury rows.

But I rotate through pretty much everything.

Deadlits, Bent-over rows and pull-ups. Basic n sweet!

1-arm DB rows with straps. There are two reasons for the straps: my grip is weaker on my left side and I can’t hold 120 lb DBs for 8 reps on either side. These absolutely torch my back.

Of course chins and deads are also staples.

Kroc rows and pull-ups.


Ok, so I’m not going to say deadlift, because although true, it’s a big leg developer, and way too common of an answer.

Db row, db row, db row. with a side order of Kroc rows. I love that lift. Another one of my absolute favorite exercises is the power snatch/overhead squat. Oh my word does that torch me.

And I WILL say pulldowns. But only because my biceps takeover every time I do narrow grip chins. I do chins over pulldowns most of the time for overload, but in terms of feeling the lats working the pulldowns are superior for me.