FatGripz vs. Grip4orce Differences?

I am thinking of buying one of these for my home chinning bar that I have in the doorway. It’s a “perfect pull up” and I’m limited to doing narrow-grip stuff because the rubber bar is under 22.5 inches wide, meaning my forefingers (or pinkies with underhand grip) would only have around 18 inches between them.

So I was thinking of putting these on the outside, which is unpadded hard steel, but I’m not sure if there’s enough space for either product to fit.

Does anyone know what the width of those things are, like how much length of a bar each covers?

Also for more general discussion: what do people think about these products in relation to each other (advantages and disadvantages) and if either are worth buying compared to other forms of thick grip, or if you like thick grip training at all.

For me: I think I might actually have to take these to a gym to use a lat pulldown because I don’t know if my grip would be strong enough to do thick-grip chins right now, and G4s look easier to use at a gym since you can put them on and take them off 1-handed.

FatGripz is less appealing because it looks like you need to use 2 hands to put each on and off. But on the other hand: they stay on when you let go and it looks like G4s would fall off it you let go. So since I’m prone to losing things, I would love to be able to leave FGs on a chin bar or a barbell and never have to wonder where they are. But in terms of taking something to a gym and being able to change DBs/equipment easily, G4s look better.

I have fat gripz and they stay on bars when you let go and fit all normal width barbells. They are very easy/quick to take off too.

The fat grips are “solid” basically turning it into a thick bar exercise, whereas the grip4orce present the challenge of constantly having to squeeze throughout the rep in order for them to stay on, making them popular for arm work with the likes of Shelby Starnes and if I remember right, John Meadows…

I’m not sure of the use of the constantly having to squeeze outside of arm work, but that’s the main difference between those and the fat grips as far as I know.

I’ve got fat grips and they are a bit of a pain to get on and off barbells.

But its much more like fat bar training than the gripforce things. But I havent tried them.

Tried both. FatGripz much better IMO.

The Gripforce are not a bad idea but they are annoying to use and they are not like a fat bar.

Plus I would not use Gripforce for benching or overhead pressing. Too dangerous IMO.

Fat Gripz are not hard to put on or take off, anyone who complains about that doesnt belong in the weight room.

Go with fat gripz, i use them for many movements, i also have a perfect pull up in the doorway of my bath room and use them on it for reg pull ups, chins, and holds. works just fine.

Grip4orce to me are not even close to FGZ…the Grip4orce I notice working right from the first rep with the added resistance in them.

I recommend both but will go with G4

I have both grip4orce and fatgripz. They are each unique. Fatgripz make the bar thicker and you only need to sqeeze enough to hold on. fatgripz are great for alomost anything. grip4orce you have to contantly sqeeze so the list may be limited for you in what you can use them for.
Honestly they are two different products that are hard to compare because they do completely different things.
If in doubt buy the fatgripz first, chances are you will like them more. If you have the cash, buy a set of each.

[quote]StateOfPsychosis wrote:
I have both grip4orce and fatgripz. They are each unique. Fatgripz make the bar thicker and you only need to sqeeze enough to hold on. fatgripz are great for alomost anything. grip4orce you have to contantly sqeeze so the list may be limited for you in what you can use them for.
Honestly they are two different products that are hard to compare because they do completely different things.
If in doubt buy the fatgripz first, chances are you will like them more. If you have the cash, buy a set of each. [/quote]


Try them both. I used Fat Gripz for a long time, and it was great for forearms and strength. The Grip4orce to me seem even better plus better for bi and tri size. I do agree with the poster who said to not bench and do overhead stuff with grip4orce…not a good idea…def stick with FatGripz for those. I just use Grip4orce for arms only…


[quote]John Meadows, CSCS wrote:
Try them both. I used Fat Gripz for a long time, and it was great for forearms and strength. The Grip4orce to me seem even better plus better for bi and tri size. I do agree with the poster who said to not bench and do overhead stuff with grip4orce…not a good idea…def stick with FatGripz for those. I just use Grip4orce for arms only…


Could you give an example of tricep exercises that you like to use the Grip4orce on? I only do close-grip bench & dips for them, so I can’t really take advantage of the Grip4orce yet.

[quote]Achilles of war wrote:
Fat Gripz are not hard to put on or take off, anyone who complains about that doesnt belong in the weight room.[/quote]It’s not so much I think they’d be hard, just that they’d take that extra moment. I’m afraid if I fumbled and took longer than a second to remove them at a commercial gym that staff might get mad.

Also, maybe I’m underestimating the strength of the material but I’m envisioning that if I constantly am pulling the FatGripz open to put them on and take them off that I might pull too hard and over time wear out the material.

I’m wondering if there’s anyone who’s used a FatGripz for years and moved them on and off a lot of stuff and if you’ve noticed any reduction in how it holds, like if it became less stiff or something. I have the same worry about bands.

With Grip4orce, squeezing them shut would also be deforming, but there’s a terminal point where it stops (when it contacts the bar) so the dimension of deformation’s limited whereas you can in theory pull a FatGripz open really far.

[quote]Achilles of war wrote:
Go with fat gripz, i use them for many movements, i also have a perfect pull up in the doorway of my bath room and use them on it for reg pull ups, chins, and holds. works just fine.[/quote]True but the amount of space on the ends of a PPU depends on the width of the doorway, so my door might be narrower than yours. Would you be able to measure the length of the FG so I can make sure there’s room to spare on what my door gives?

[quote]Proud_Virgin wrote:

[quote]John Meadows, CSCS wrote:
Try them both. I used Fat Gripz for a long time, and it was great for forearms and strength. The Grip4orce to me seem even better plus better for bi and tri size. I do agree with the poster who said to not bench and do overhead stuff with grip4orce…not a good idea…def stick with FatGripz for those. I just use Grip4orce for arms only…


Could you give an example of tricep exercises that you like to use the Grip4orce on? I only do close-grip bench & dips for them, so I can’t really take advantage of the Grip4orce yet.[/quote]

I love putting them over top of the rope and doing tricep pushdowns with them…my number one fav move for tris with Grip4orce.

[quote]John Meadows, CSCS wrote:

[quote]Proud_Virgin wrote:

[quote]John Meadows, CSCS wrote:
Try them both. I used Fat Gripz for a long time, and it was great for forearms and strength. The Grip4orce to me seem even better plus better for bi and tri size. I do agree with the poster who said to not bench and do overhead stuff with grip4orce…not a good idea…def stick with FatGripz for those. I just use Grip4orce for arms only…


Could you give an example of tricep exercises that you like to use the Grip4orce on? I only do close-grip bench & dips for them, so I can’t really take advantage of the Grip4orce yet.[/quote]

I love putting them over top of the rope and doing tricep pushdowns with them…my number one fav move for tris with Grip4orce.[/quote]

and john do you like Fat gripz? have you ever used them also for other bodypart instead of arms? what do you think barbell pressing for chest with fat gripz? i saw a video of you incline pressing with a fat bar, is the same thing as using a pair of fat gripz?

Not John, but he’s talked about how he prefers the Grip4orce because they require you to squeeze the bar while using them. FatGripz attach securely to the bar so it doesn’t matter how tightly you hold them.